Chapter 1 - Potter

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I should p r o b a b l y mention that I altered the original Harry Potter storyline for... r e a s o n s--

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. The boy who fought many different, terrifying creatures, and survived many different, terrifying things. The boy who lived with Muggles for half his life, then with an Animagus and a Werewolf. The boy who went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, now on his eighth and final year, and has two best friends. Ronald Weasely and Hermione Granger are there with him.

Ron and Hermione were dating, to Harry's delight. He was happy for them, but after his falling out with Ginny, he didn't have the heart to tell either of them that he was jealous. Jealous of their love. The love that he wished he had with somebody.

Yet all those thoughts were pushed aside as Harry was focused. Gryffindor and Slytherin were tied in their Quidditch game, and Harry needed to catch the Snitch. As he searched, he noticed the Slytherins Seeker, Draco Malfoy, doing the same.

Harry has had a rivalry with Draco since their first year after Draco had been rude to Ron. Since lately, though, Draco had been acting differently. It was small changes, but Harry was quick to notice. A few days ago, in Potions class, Harry and Draco were assigned as a pair for a potion known as Amortentia- a love potion that allows you to smell the things related to or what they wear of your soulmate. Harry had an idea of what he would smell, but he has never told anyone. Ron had done everything he could think of to make Harry tell him. Even Veritaserum hadn't worked. As Harry wondered what Draco would've smelt, he hears Hermione's yell as she points into the air.

Harry looks to where she pointed and immediately understands- The Golden Snitch was flying directly in between Harry and Draco. They looked at each other for a brief moment and sped off.

Dodging other players as they went, Harry and Draco were bumping shoulders as they stayed fixated on the Snitch. It led them through the stands, passing cheering students. It went down and through the underparts of the stands forcing Harry and Draco to split apart and dodge long wooden pillars.

It wasn't until they split that Harry noticed how hot he was. He wasn't sweating that much thanks to the Autumn weather they were having recently. It took him a moment to realize that he was flustered, as in, blushing.

"What?!" Harry said, surprised. He shook his head and tried to keep his focus on the Snitch. It was still in front of him as he stretched out his hand, almost touching it. As he went to grab it, he got hit from behind and thrown backwards. "Gotta catch up if you want to win, Potter!" Says a snarky voice, Draco Malfoy. Harry scowls as Draco turns around, quickly reaching for the Snitch. But, now starting to fill with anger, Harry speeds back up and is back to touching shoulders with Draco. "I'm not going to let you win, Malfoy!" Harry hisses, "You have to catch me first!" Draco speeds ahead with the Snitch in hands reach. He extends his hand as Harry jumps forward. They collide and both fall off their brooms. They meet the ground with force, still under the stands. Harry heard Draco coughing as he realizes he had landed on top of him. As Harry's face starts to resemble a cherry, he quickly lifts Draco, helping him breathe.

Draco coughs a few more times, then starts to get up. He looks at Harry and backs up a few steps. Harry looks at him, ready for if Draco yells. But Draco just gives out a huff and turns around to grab his broom. The broom was slightly beaten up, but it was still working as usual. Harry makes no move for his broom, though. He realized he was frozen in embarrassment. 'Why didn't he have a tantrum?', he asked himself. He stayed still as Draco flew away. But the moment he was gone, it was like a spell had been broken and he shook his head in confusion. Draco had never had that effect on him before, so why did he now?

Still dazed, Harry finds his broom and makes for the exit. As the light of day hits him, he hears cheering. Because of his shock, Draco was able to get a head start on finding the Snitch and won the game for Slytherin.

Harry sighs in sadness. There will always be the next game.

"What was that, Harry?!" Both Hermione and Ron said once they caught up with him. "Where did you go?" Hermione looked at him worriedly. Harry sighs as he answers, "I just fell. Don't worry, 'Mione, I'm fine." Hermione huffed as Ron stared at Harry's face, "You sure, mate? Your face is pretty red..." Harry's blush deepened as he squeaked out, "Yes. I'm. Fine." The two backed off as they neared the Great Hall. They found their seats as the feast started.

They ate in awkward silence. Harry couldn't help himself but glance in the direction of the Slytherin table. He furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed Draco was nowhere to be found. Harry gulped down his food as he got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked him. "Just to get some rest." They both nodded as he walked off. He waited for the stairs to settle before he started walking towards the Gryffindor Tower. "Caput Draconis," Harry whispers to the Fat Lady as he watches the door open and he walks through. He still had Draco on his mind as he changed into his pyjamas and snuggled under the covers, ready for sleep to take him.

Just as he is drifting off, Harry hears a tapping on the window next to his bed. He sits up and turns around to see an owl perched on the sill, a letter tied to its leg. Harry gets out of bed and lets the small black creature in. He unties the ribbon from the owl as it sits contently on Harry's desk. Whoever had sent the letter was expecting a response. Harry opened it and was met with beautiful handwriting, it read-

Dear Harry,

I hope you didn't get hurt during the Quidditch match today. It was a close call, and I secretly hoped that you would've won. The smile you get is worth more than 1,000 wins for Slytherin- or any team for that matter.

I assumed you would be in the Gryffindor Tower after you left dinner, not that I was there either. I'd rather spend my time in the library, it's much quieter.

Anyways, I also wanted to warn you, I overheard the Professors talking about how when we finish the Amortentia potion, Slughorn is planning for us to test it, as well! It's going to be horrid, but I thought you would like to know before disaster strikes.



Harry folds the letter back into its original size, 'What was that?' He asked himself. He thought about it a bit more and sighed. Potions class had never been his favourite, but now he was going to hate it even more. But still, he was glad for whoever had sent him this. "DM..." He murmured to himself. Who did he know that had those initials?

Harry's eyes widened as he quickly got out a piece of parchment and his ink and quill. He dipped the pen and started writing.

Idk-- what did yall think? I like it... i guess

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