Chapter 4 - The Truth

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Me realizing im two days late to publishing a chapter: fOOK--

But anyways, I dont remember if there are any cringey make out sessions in this chapter. I think its mostly arguing and crying... And be warned if that is the case, then the next chapter is Hell on wheels.

Welp, enjoy ig

"Harry! There you are!" Hermione said as she and Ron made their way over to him, "What are you doing here? Were you-" Hermione gasped, "Oh Harry, I knew it! Ron, there's a girl!" Hermione said excitedly. She took her hands in Harry's and giggled, "Harry, why didn't you tell us sooner? You know we would be happy to support you!" She looked at him questioningly when he didn't answer. "Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked. Ron put his hand on Harry's shoulder, "Don't worry, mate, you know you can tell us anything, we won't judge."

"You sure about that?" Harry said a little ruder than he meant for it to sound. "Of course! After all, we've been through together you should know that." Hermione said gently. She gave Harry's hands a small, encouraging squeeze. Harry was thinking a mile a minute. 'What do I say? Do I tell them everything? They don't like Malfoy, though. They won't approve... But he is my soulmate. There is nothing they can do about that...' He was scared. He didn't want his best friends to not like him- or Malfoy, for that matter- because of his feelings. 'You need to trust them.' He told himself. He looked up into their eyes and took a deep breath.

"I have feelings for someone, my soulmate-" Hermione grinned and jumped slightly, "I've been meeting him after dinner. I didn't want to say anything because neither of you like him and I didn't want to lose you as friends over something so stupid and ridiculous-" "Woah there, mate!" Ron said, bewildered, "You aren't going to lose us as friends unless we get murdered- and even then we would stay by your side!" Ron paused at Harry's expression on his face, "Blimey, Harry, it doesn't matter what gender you're attracted to, we would still be your friends if your soulmate was Buckbeak!" Harry laughed at that while Hermione playfully hit Ron on the shoulder, giggling as well. "Really?" Harry asked, needing full confirmation. "Really and truly," Hermione said happily.

Harry had a happy, dreamless sleep that night. He awoke the next morning earlier than Ron, so he made his way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. He wasn't surprised to find Hermione there.

"Good morning, Harry! How did you sleep?" "I slept nicely, thanks, Hermione," Harry said as he sat down. He only took two bites of his oatmeal before Hermione started talking, "So... Who is he, Harry? Do we know him? Is he in Griffindor? But I don't hate anyone in the Boys Dormitory... Is he younger than you?-"

"He's a Slytherin," Harry said after he swallowed his oatmeal, "And I'm not sure if he is older than me... Probably is." Hermione's jaw had dropped and she immediately glanced over to the Slytherin table. No-one there was recognizable and Hermione was obviously disappointed.

Ron joined about twenty minutes later, still tired and dishevelled from his apparent lack of sleep, "Mornin'," Ron said sleepily as he plopped down into his seat and took a large helping of oatmeal onto his spoon. "Ron! Youll never believe it! Harry's soulmate-" Ron immediately perked up, "Is a Slytherin!" Ron's eyes widened, fully awake and he dropped his spoon back into his bowl of oatmeal. "What?! Harry, are you serious?" Ron said excitedly, anything else on his mind long forgotten. "Y-yeah..." Harry said as said Slytherin walked into the Great Hall, a broad smile plastered on his face.

"Oi, whats Malfoy so happy about?" Ron asked as Hermione turned around to see what he was talking about. Draco had risked a glance at Harry, and after seeing not one but three pairs of eyes on him, Gave a hot(In Harry's opinion) smirk and winked at Harry. Hermione's eyes were the size of saucers as she turned around to face Harry, whose face was a deep crimson. Ron hadn't noticed as he picked his spoon back up while giving a little shrug. Harry and Hermione were silently staring at each other for a few seconds, but to Harry, it felt like years.

"... No idea, Ron," Hermione said monotonously, her eyes never leaving Harrys, "Maybe he pushed a kid down the stairs or something..." Ron only took a glance at his girlfriend before shrugging again and eating another big spoonful of oatmeal.

"Draco, Harry! Of all people- of all Slytherins, Malfoy?!" Hermione said the moment the two were alone. They were on their way to Muggle Studies, a class neither really needed to take, just a class they chose for an easy A. Ron wasn't very into Muggle Studies since Mr Weasley talked about Muggle technology almost all the time, so he went for Double Transfiguration instead.

"Well... Hermione, you have to admit, he has changed since the war and he really is a nice guy if you would get to know him-" "I don't need to get to know him, Harry! Have you forgotten all the terrible things he did to us- to me- throughout our years at Hogwarts?!" "'Mione, please, just hear me out. He was taught and forced to behave the way he did from his parents. He is free from them now, and he is such a better person now- Oh please Hermione! Just give him a chance!" Harry said as they entered the classroom. As they sat down in their normal seats, Hermione dropped her bag and looked at Harry, "Harry, you know I will always love and support you no matter what, but Malfoy-" She stopped and gave Harry a look that said- Don't you say a word, "He did things- forced or not- that takes so much time to even start to think about forgiving him! Harry, he was horrible. He tormented you, he called me a Mudblood every chance he got- he provoked Ron that one time and ended up being the reason Ron was puking slugs for days. Harry, you have to see that." Hermione said desperately.

"Hermione, of course, I do. But you know that there is nothing I can do! He is my soulmate, and I'm his- I wish there was a better way to go about this, but there isn't. I understand that you are mad at him- and you have every right to be, but I... I love him, Hermione. So please, please think this over and consider getting to know the real him better..." He said in almost a whisper. Tears had started to form at Hermione's eyes. Harry saw and pulled her in for a hug. They sat there for a moment, calming down from their little fight. Then, Professor Cadmus tapped his wand on his desk, signalling for silence. "Good morning, class. Today we will be furthering our education on Muggles electricity, and how and why they need it. We have already discussed how they created electricity, and how they have used it in the past. Today, however, we will be expanding on how they use it today, and how they plan on using it for the future. If you will turn to page 381 in your textbooks..."

About an hour later, Harry, Hermione, and Ron had met back up and were lazing around the gardens. Now and then, they would throw spells at each other back and forth. All for fun, of course.

Care of Magical Creatures class had let out, which was the class Draco was in. As they walked up the hill, Harry caught Draco's eye. Harry hadn't yet noticed Draco, but Hermione did. She was still bitter from the fight earlier, so she walked over to the two boys, "Ron, would you like to take a walk with me?" She asked sweetly. Ron looked at Harry, who was looking at Hermione with a raised eyebrow. "... Alright," Ron said as she started to drag him off. As Harry watched them go, he walked into the corridor to find shade. Draco smiled as he broke off from the Slytherins that were going to lunch. As Harry sat on a bay window, Draco had entered the corridor and made is way to Harry. When he got to Harry, he offered him his hand, "Harry Potter, would you like to get some lunch with me?" Harry blushed as he stood up. He took Dracos hand in his own and walked up to Draco, "I would love to."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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