Chapter 3 - The Meeting

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Ok I just wanna say, this chapter is where things start to get cringey. I am NOT at ALL good at writing any type of smut. It seems irrelevant and awkward to me now that im rereading this, but Im too lazy to change it. SO BE WARNED ITS BAD!!!

Harry was climbing the stairs frantically. He was almost out of breath, but he needed to get to Draco. Glancing down to his watch, he sees its 5:58. Two minutes. He didn't want to be late, he knew Draco wasn't one to wait around.

He busted through the doors, out of breath. He slowly makes his way around the corner. His blood is pounding through his veins. He barely feels his legs as he looks around for Draco. He checks his watch the moment he hears the giant clock out front ring. It was now six-o-clock.

He looks around once more, still only seeing an empty hallway. He was about to open the bathroom door, but a presence was behind him.

"Right on time, Potter." Draco said, in almost a whisper behind him. Harry tensed slightly as he turned around. Draco was less than a foot away from him. He wasn't wearing his robe with his uniform, most likely because the air seemed warmer up there than down in the Great Hall.

Or, it was just that Harry was very flustered.

Harry's back was lightly brushing the bathroom door as he stared into Malfoys eyes. His face was dusted pink and he had no idea what to say. Malfoys eyes were dancing their way along Harrys figure. 'He's acting as he did in third year', Harry thought. Back in Harry's third year of attending Hogwarts, an escaped criminal named Sirius Black, who turned out to be innocent for his crimes, was said to be after Harry. Sirius is Harry's godfather, who happened to be married to his Ex-Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin. Harry had been living with those two ever since the end of the Second Wizarding War. It was most definitely better than living with the Dursleys, Harry had concluded.

Draco had been acting weird that year. Other than knowing his family was apart of the Death Eaters after Harry in the first place, Draco had(How to say this honestly...) been acting super gay all year. Gayer than usual, of course. Harry had known something was up at Hagrid's very first lesson that year, the time when Draco was teasing him about the dementors and advanced on him, not at all being discreet about checking Harry out. Funny enough, though, Harry had awkwardly done the same thing.

"It's funny, really," Draco had started, causing Harry to look back up. Draco was staring into Harry's eyes. Their bodies centimetres apart, occasionally brushing against each other, "I had a bad feeling when Slughorn had talked about the Amortentia potion. I thought that this would have ruined everything." Draco sighed. He put a hand through his untamed hair and glanced down at his shoes. He quickly put his hand back at his side and let his eyes wander up to Harry's again, "But I believe that that isn't the case..." He took Harry's hand in his own, "When you smelt the Amortentia, you acted very shocked and looked at me," Draco smirked when Harry flushed redder than he had been before, "Which leaves me to believe that you smelt-" He put his hand on Harry's waist, "-Me." (E W. I JUST--)

Harry took a sharp intake of breath. He could hear the faint thumping of his heart pouring into his ears. 'He knows!' Harry thought, heat overwhelming him and making him slightly dizzy. He felt so embarrassed, and he couldn't say a word. Draco had Harry pinned against the wall, hands laced with Harrys and holding them to the wall next to his head. Harry was only capable of starring. He felt so vulnerable, but at the same time so protected... And maybe a little bit turned on.

"You like this, don't you?" Draco asked Harry, who nodded vigorously. "Hmm... That's what I thought." Draco had continued, but Harry had started to squirm under Dracos stare, so Draco put his knee in between Harry's legs, lightly brushing his inner thighs. Harry had frozen once again. He was a little bit confused at this point- Draco knew that he was Harry's soulmate, but did he replicate those feelings? Or was this some kind of sick joke and all apart of Draco's plan?

"Don't cry, Harry." Draco watched a tear run down Harry's face. It dawned on him that he should explain a bit more, so he did, "Harry, I know this is a weird position I have put us in, but let me explain why.

"When you sided with that Weasel first year, I was outraged. I wanted you to be my friend so badly, and not because you were the 'Great Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived'... Because I had weird feelings for you. At the time I had no idea what was going on with me, but when you came back the third year, I suddenly knew." Draco stopped to look into Harry's eyes with a stern but loving stare, "I had developed a crush on Harry Potter.

"I had already made you my enemy by that point, and that had made me so much angrier than before. During Hagrid's first lesson, I couldn't help myself but look at you. I specifically remember thinking about how much taller you had grown. I had prayed to Merlin that you had thought I was being a jerk, and it worked. Then after you had ridden the chicken thing-"

"Hippogriff." Harry gasped out.

Draco smiled and continued, "Hippogriff, all that bottled up anger was just let out. I hadn't paid attention to the oaf when he was explaining so I really didn't know it was going to do that. Looking back on it now, I guess I was mad because you had no problem walking up and making friends with the beast. Something that I could never do- until now.

"Harry, in the Amortentia Potion, all I smelt was you. The Quidditch Pitch, your shampoo, just you." Draco had gotten so close to Harry now that he was slightly pushing him into the wall. Their noses were brushing and Draco's voice had become a small whisper. Draco leaned back, almost causing Harry to let out a whine, missing the contact. Oh, how Draco wanted to just lean in and kiss Harry now. But he wouldn't, he had to do this right. He needed to take his time, let everything out, and then worry about his needs.

"I know this is so sudden... (NO SHIT BITCH) I ran into this faster than I originally had planned, but you had to know. After this school year, I don't know when I will see you again. And I thought it would be better for both of us if you know than if you didn't." Draco had finished his explanation, but added at the very end, "Any questions?"

"Why me?" Harry asked bluntly, he was confused- Why did Draco fall for him out of all people?

Draco smiled happily, "Merlin, Harry, there are too many reasons to count. Let's start with your confidence, your courage, your beauty-" Harry blushed at this, "- Your bravery, your smarts, and your ability to be a good friend. There are so many more, Harry. And if you don't see them, then you need new glasses." Draco said, eyes gleaming with love. Harry smiled at the last comment and made Draco's heart melt. 'Merlin, he is so beautiful,' Draco thought.

The clock rung again, seven-o-clock. Both boys could hear the doors to the Great Hall opening. Draco reluctantly let go of Harry completely.

Harry I... I have to go. I'm so sorry-" He was cut off by Harry grabbing him by his tie and pulling them both back against the wall. "Draco..." The way Harry said his first name drove Draco mad. He couldn't stand it any longer and slammed their lips together. Fires lit inside of both of them. Oxygen long forgotten, their tongues intertwined as their teeth clashed. Faint footsteps were heard from the staircase, but neither wanted to let go. Draco broke the kiss and said in a quick whisper, "If you meet me here again at lunch, I will be more than happy to spend time with you and sort this all out. Ok?" Harry glanced at the doorway to the staircase and answered, "Yes, now go! That might be Ron and Hermione!" Draco looked in the same direction and wasted no time in letting go of Harry and making his way around the opposite side of the corridor. He was taking the other stairwell just as Hermione opened the door to the first one.

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