Chapter 2 - Malfoy

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Draco Malfoy was not the nicest person. But his demeanour had been changing recently. He seemed less fussy and more... content. He spent most of his time doing only three things- school work, Quidditch practice, and staring at Potter. He had recently been more attracted to Harry, for what reason, he couldn't tell you. Well, he could, but all his reasons were super inappropriate because they were super gay.

Though he had developed feelings for Harry, he couldn't just say that he liked him now. They had been rivals for almost eight years! He knew if he was going to do anything about this situation, he would have to do it slowly. Yes, the Quidditch game was one of those small steps. Draco was still in the library, waiting for his owl to come back. He put his face in his hands and sighed. Was that letter too much? Did Harry immediately know it was him? He did sign his name on the bottom, but Harry would never believe Draco was being nice to him.

He huffed as he walks through the hallways created by shelves and shelves of books. His boredom was seeping through his thoughts, none of the books were calling to him so he makes for a leave.

As he opens the door, a hoot from an owl turns him back around. The owl he used to send Harry his letter was back- with another piece of parchment.

Draco wasted no time in taking the letter and freeing the owl from its duties. He sat down in a chair as he ripped the envelope open.

Dear D.M.

Thank you for your concern, Madame Pomfrey said I should be fine. You're not the only one who was sad that Slytherin won. Though, I thought they did very well. Especially you, Draco. Don't think you can fool me, I've known you long enough to recognize your handwriting(you also signed the letter at the bottom).

I was honestly wondering where you were tonight. I had originally thought you were just skipping out, but now I understand that you were a bit occupied...

I can stand Potions! It gets annoying having to test the potions one after another. I hope ours is correct, or else one of us will end up poisoned. Thank you for the warning, by the way.

I'll see you in Potions,

H. P.

Draco reread the letter at least ten times. Harry knew it was him, and he was nice about it. Draco's face was getting hot. What should he do now? Draco didn't think that his plan would work. He thought Harry would have just simply brushed him off. Feeling as if he was walking on air, Draco strutted out of the library and made his way to the dungeons. When he got into his bed, however, he couldn't sleep. All he could do was stare at the folded parchment.

The next day was the same, not that Draco would know. So far, Draco had gone through the day in a daze. He was excited as he made his way to potions. The fact that there was some kind of friendship going on between him and Potter made Draco forget everything, but he was brought back to reality when he heard that voice.

"Are you alright, Malfoy?" Harry had said as Draco sat down, "You look hot." Draco's head snapped up as Harry blushed a deep crimson, realizing what he had said, "I- I meant as in warm! Your f- face looked warm!" Harry glared behind him as he heard Hermione's snickers. "It's fine, Potter." Draco tried to sound absentminded but he was screaming inside.

Today's class was easy- double-check your Amortentia potion for any mistakes, then add the last few ingredients so they will be ready for testing the next day. Harry was stirring the mixture that was now steaming. As Draco added the final ingredient, pearl dust, the liquid turned a pinkish pearl colour. Both boys leaned over the cauldron excitedly. As the potion lit their eyes, they took a breath, smelling the scent of their alleged soulmates.

As Harry took a sniff, he sat there, confused. He couldn't smell anything over Draco's cologne. He took a sniff again, and it turned into Hawthorn wood, Draco's wand. He lightly shook his head again and took one last sniff. All he smelt was Draco. Not anything in particular, it was just Draco.

Harry's shock quickly subsided though as he looked at Draco. Draco was breathing slowly, taking in his soulmate's scent. He was relaxed, content, happy. Like he had always known who his soulmate was. His eyes were closed, and he was smiling. Just as Harry was going to say something, Draco opened his eyes, that went to look straight at Harry. Words were on the tip of both boys' tongues. But before either could say anything, two hands shot out and grasped one of each boy's shoulders.

"Ah! I see that you two have finished your potion! It looks perfect! I'm sure you will be getting an A tomorrow!" Professor Slughorn said happily. The two looked at each other, and then back at Slughorn, "Thank you, sir." Draco said softly. Professor Slughorn moves on to Ron and Hermione's cauldron, which was overflowing with a dark blue substance thanks to Ron. As Hermione's angry yelling filled the room, Harry feels a tug on his robe pocket. He looks around seeing no one as he searches his pocket but finds a folded piece of parchment. He stands in a corner and opens the letter-

Meet me near the Prefect Bathroom. Fourth Floor. 6:00 pm.


Harry smiled and blushed a deep pink. He folded the note and hurried to catch up with Ron Hermione. "Harry is something going on that we don't know about?" Hermione said accusingly. Harry smiled, immediately thinking of him and Draco's weird encounters. He thinks about when he is going to meet Draco, and what will happen there. But he quickly comes down to Earth and says, "Oh, well, I'm just worried about potions tomorrow; I don't want to drink my potion." Hermoine nods, "Me either-" Hemione leans in to whisper in Harry's ear, "Ron was in charge of adding the ingredients..." She whispered worriedly. Harry tried to hold back a smile but failed miserably. "All you can do is hope." He said happily, still excited for tonight.

Dinner went by in a rush. Draco wasn't at the Slytherin table again, and this made Harry antsier than ever. Once again Ron and Hermione watched Harry eat in a rush and get ready to leave again, "Harry?" Ron asked. Harry looked up out of his daze, "Yes, Ron?" "What is going on? You're hiding something from us, and we want to know what it is." Ron said, glancing at Hermione, who gave a tight nod. Harry checked his watch, it was 5:49 pm. He would have to rush if he was going to make it in time. He looks back up to his best friends, "Look if I promise to explain everything later, will you drop it for now? I really need to be somewhere..." Harry trails off, looking at the two pleadingly. Hermione looks to Ron and they share a look. Finally, they look back to Harry, who looked antsier than ever. "Fine," Hermione said, "But you will tell us!" Harry smiled thankfully, "I will!" He then runs out of the Great Hall at 5:53, seven more minutes to spare.

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