Seven Kingdoms 1/10 - The dream.

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So.. I had an idea to write a Varian and the Seven Kingdoms Cassarian fic , but it would have ended up novel length and I don't have the time - so I'm trying to write it in 10 100 word drabbles - because I'm crazy.


"Ulla! No! Our own son!"

  Varian jerked awake from the familiar nightmare, and headed to the kitchen.

"Happy 18th birthday son." Varian took the book Quirin was holding out to him.

"Thanks Dad... Wait, is this?"

"Your mother's alchemy journal. It's time for you to grow into the man you want to be."

"I don't understand."

"Your mother is still alive."


"I'm not sure, but I think that she's trapped in another dimension."

"Dad! I can get her back."

"Varian , your mother is not who you think she is."

"What do you mean?"

"That's for you to discover yourself."

Tangled Drabbles 100 wordsWhere stories live. Discover now