Chapter 3 : Sky Doesn't Remember Seasons

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                   Chapter 3

Sky Doesn't Remember Seasons


“ Our shouting is louder than our actions, Our swords are taller than us, This is our tragedy. In short We wear the cape of civilisation But our souls live in the stone age ”

~Nizar Qabbani



Bareerah sat at the table and pretended to read her notes. She cautiously tilted her head and noticed that Ashari was sitting few tables away from her. He was known to the teachers for the straight A's he got. But among kids he was that notorious bully who never passed by any chance to harras others. His favorite time pass was collaring kids much smaller than him, that way he would grow his circle of 'admirers' around him.

She felt a familiar anger rising in her.

"Whom are you checking out"? A backpack landed on the table with a resoundingly heavy 'thump'!

Bareerah didn't have to turn around to know who the person was.

" Gawwd!! Lola sometimes I'm tempted to pack you in this very back pack that you go around slamming on the tables, and ship you off to some far away place".

"Don't change the topic, tell me who were checking out"?

"Right now the only thing that I want to 'check out' is this place and that too forever". She snorted.

" What happened"? Lola Laughed slightly at the pensive expression on Bareerah's face.

"You remember the story I did on the illegal publishing of the text books"?

" Yes"

Before she could tell her any further a noise behind her caught Bareerah's attention.

Snapping her head around, Bareerah glanced behind her, everyone was sitting on their tables,nothing, not even a rat, was in sight. Odd as it was, Bareerah quickly turned back, only to find Ashari covering his face behind his palms.


Bareerah said nothing. Holding an expressionless face, she stared directly at him. In her mind, imagining headbutting him.  While Lola coughed to cover her startled laugh.

"If you wanna surprise people with Peek-A-boo then go to some kindergarten, what are you doing here? This place is for grown ups". She said, her tone even.

"Aye Aye!! Look somebody's learnt to speak". He flashed his teeth, the wickedness of his smile very much evident.

Suddenly Bareerah found it hard to take a deep breath and huff it out. His eyes had a definite and familiar playful smirk, but even so, an instantaneous surge of nausea rose in the pit of her stomach.

" Shut it, Ashari. You're still cradling the maturity of a middle schooler. Seriously what are you doing here man"?

For a moment he seemed to be taken aback to hear that confident declaration.

"That hurt me deep Bareerah Adeem". He placed a hand to his chest over the area his heart would be and faked a sniffle.

They both looked at the idiot who was now occupying a seat on their table.

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