worms for president!

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as days pasted, it was a weekend which meant the arcade would be packed. not wanting to be surrounded by people you decided to explore the new world you would have to call your home. you had been in boarding school for so long that when you left, you quickly dyed your hair and brows. black hair was repetitive in korea and since you were impulsive, you did the first thing you thought of, which was dyeing everything on your face!

signing to sung-min about the plans for the day, you both nodded and set to your journey. today he was your tour guide since you enjoyed his "rambles" and he knew the area because of father. "alright, bye bye papa~!" the two of you waved to your father, he leaned out of the door from your home/arcade and gave a tired smile, "leave now you rats! be back soon and don't stay out too late!" you saluted him goodbye, "yes yes!"

since all you were planning on doing today was walking, you wore something simple. you wore a blue half sleeved blouse with poufy shoulders and white pants and a tulle scrunchie. your hair was styled down seeing as you were also lazy for that too. for shoes you were brown sandals. not needing the bandages for your fingers anymore, you removed them.

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being far from the arcade, you both set off, exploring the new hell you both would have to face. the weather channel forecasted that it would rain so you brought two umbrellas, for you and sung-min.

signing to sung-min, asking where the first location was the adventure going to begin at, he signed back saying to wait and that it was a surprise. laughing, you continued to follow him, holding his hand so he won't get lost. many people began looking at you, whispering harsh things. the neighbor hood was filled with elders that disrespected anyone who was younger than them so if you wanted to be respected, you'd have to threaten them. even if you do that, they still continue to talk trash. there was no winning the old hags that resided here.

feeling your arm being tugged, you looked down to sung-min who was pointing to a ice cream shop. of course, you thought with a sweat drop. as he dragged you inside, you got your wallet out from the frog backpack that you wore on your back, taking out the money that was needed, he signed you what he wanted as you told the ice cream vendor his order. getting his ice cream flavor, you both sat outside, he sat on the chair that his legs swung under, while eating his treat with a smile. smiling back to him, you looked away to scope around the new area. was he sure that he knew the way back? 

you had your thinking face on until you felt something drop on your forehead. looking up to see some downpour happen, you got a tiny umbrella out and took yours out too. opening sung-min's you covered him while he ate. he finished and you both started walking under your umbrellas.

looking down you saw something that you loved. a worm! oh how they were cute they were! they were slugs without the shell, doing wiggles to move! oh to be a worm. you brought yourself and sung-min down in a squatting position to admire the beauty of the worm. forgetting that you were holding an umbrella for yourself, you dropped it to pick the worm up gently. "EHEHEHEHEH IT'S SO CUTEE I COULD JUST DIE!"

"seriously?" flinching in surprise, you looked to see the kid you hung out with yesterday holding your umbrella over the two of you. he squatted down and looked at the precious worm in boredom. "it's cute!" you bargained with a frustrated pout. how could he not see such perfectness from this wonderful creature. 

feeling a tug on your damp shirt, you looked to see sung-min hiding behind you. using one hand to sign, you tried your best to tell him not to be afraid. "so daniel, you seem like a cool dude!" he cut you short, "it's tae-hoon, get it right." you nodded, "oh my bad. you kinda look like a daniel so give me at least a few brownie points." he cut you short once more, does he like doing that often? "no." you sighed, "sheesh you're a tough nut." 

"why're you here?" he asked. this was his neighbor hood, where he threatened kids to give him stuff, beating them up in return all for his sick enjoyment. "sung-min was showing me around. kinda got distracted by this little cutie!" he glared, "it's a worm covered in dirt. get over yourself lady." you now defended yourself, "hey i'll have you know they help the earth!" he gave you a conundrum reaction, "and i care?" it was now your turn to glare back, "you're mean to my precious baby." he got up without any hassle, "go back to your exploring, it'll become lighter rain soon." hearing no emotion in his tone, you agreed, "yeah you're right about that."

getting up, you fixed sung-min's umbrella and looked at tae-hoon, who was still holding yours. he motioned for you to take it back but since he didn't have any, how will he stay dry? you were already wet so it was decided! "you keep it! but it'll only protect you if you start accepting the fact that worms are adorable." 

at this point tae-hoon was done with your antics. but he didn't why, he didn't know what, but he nodded and held the umbrella closer to him. 

smiling at him, you waved goodbye and let sung-min drag you to where ever he wanted to go. tae-hoon watched you and your brother walk away, wishing you both stayed a while longer. he wanted to hear you more, no matter how dumb or annoying it was. he was missing you, the goblin who sadly entered his world. the rain stopped tapping on the green amphibian covered umbrella, but it was still hovering over him. he didn't have any use for it now that the rain had stopped but it was still above him. he looked up, seeing those cartoon frogs and smiled widely. he wasn't going to let anything happen to the umbrella. 

he stayed in that position long enough to hear two teens talking about their expensive backpacks. kids who bragged about money bothered him but what bothered him more was that you had left. turning to the teens who were a few inches shorter than him, he smiled darkly. "give me your backpack." he told the first kid his eyes landed on. 

the kids started shaking in fear, not giving up the backpack, he back kicked the guy next to him. as the guy he kicked flew back, the kid handed the backpack instantly, which didn't matter as now he continued beating the friend. as the "fight" finished, he looked at the backpack in a monotone way. your frog backpack was better than the piece of lump in his hands. 

sighing, he wondered why he thought of you more kindly now? it made him feel weird and he didn't like it at all. he tried to get rid of any thoughts of you and made his way to the dojo he trained in.

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