Relaxing night in

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Leon and Violetta had finally arrived at his house, he smiled weakly at her before opening the front door, his house was quiet inside, however, the decoration was stunning, Violetta gasped at how clean and beautiful it looked, Leon noticed and chuckled.

Violetta: It's such a beautiful house!

Leon: Thanks, my Mum gets a bit carried away sometimes, it helps her to not think of my dad...

He looked down at the floor with sorrow in his eyes, Violetta put her hand on his shoulder for comfort, he glanced up and smiled at her.

Violetta: So do you mind showing me around? She stated trying to change the converstion.

Leon tried to look a bit more cheerfull, he took hold of Violetta's hand and showed her around.

After showing her around Her and Leon where sat on his sofa, her head on his chest, they sat in silence, not saying a word, Violetta heared the soft beat of Jorge's heart, Jorge stroked Violettas head gently making her more relaxed than ever.

Violetta: What about watching a film?

Leon: What kind of film?

Violetta: Romance?..

Leon laughed and muttered

Leon: I knew you would say that, fine, I'll go and see what I've got!

He Got up from the sofa and paced towards the DVD shelve next to the TV.

Leon's eyes scanned the DVD cases until his eyes froze on the perfect film, one that he knew Violetta would like.

Violetta: Have you got one yet? she asked yawning.

Leon: I think I've found the perfect one! He grasped the DVD out of the case and held it up to show her from a distance.

Violetta: Hmmm, The NoteBook, looks good, yes!

Leon smiled and stuck the disk in the DVD player, he switched the TV on.

Leon: Incase you're wondering, no this is not my DVD, it's my Mums favourite film, shes obsessed with soppy romances!

Violetta: A bit like me then! She grinned, he smiled at her and pulled her in to his chest, they both sat and watched the film together!


Thanks for reading, won't be updaiting for a couple of days as of exams revision and stuff! :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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