Mulholland Part One (chapter seven)

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Your pov

We were walking in a random direction

Kipo: 3,260, 3,261, 3,262. Ok that's how many steps we are from our starting point. Three-thousand two-hundred and sixty-two. Like, 3.262. A parsec. Let's do this. Let's look for clues from my dad

Me and Mandu glare at Wolf, Wolf hides the letter more into her pocket

Kipo: ok, so, we headed south, east, west and now north from our starting point. So now, we head back. That only leaves four more directions to go, which is near halfway done, which is great

Benson: yeah, yeah, yeah, great. You know what else would be great? A frosty beverage with a little umbrella in it

Kipo: wait! Proxima Centauri! Proxima Centauri is 1.3 parsecs away from us. And I turned thirteen. Duh we go toward Proxima Centauri!

Kipo walks off

Wolf: I don't have a better idea

Benson with Dave walks off Mandu squeals I just watched the fight go down

Wolf: stop. Wait. Leave me alone

Wolf groans I smirk soon I see Dave turn toddler we go up to them

Wolf: rule number fifty-two of the surface: standing water is a hard no

Kipo: if only the drinking fountain was working

We go over to it, Kipo holds the button down making water come out of it she gasps

Benson: whoa! That's what that's for?

Wolf tastes it

Wolf: it's safe

Benson: always thought those were tiny satellite dishes

We all drink from it except Dave he uses the smaller one but he couldn't do it

Dave: why does this always happen to me

Benson: Dave, this has literally never happend to you

I saw Mandu drinking the water bellow Dave's drinking fountain Dave turns to normal Dave, Mandu squeals. We look behind us and saw a water beast

???: well, this day just turned fantastic

I grab my axe suddenly we all started feeling dizzy

Kipo: what are you

???: a co-occupier of this planet, just like you, my friend. I'm a community of tardigrades. Water-dwelling, microscopic water bears

It eats the thing that was on it's finger then moans. The water thing goes to our right

???: but you can call me Tad Mulholland

It goes around us then in front

Mulholland: some have referred me as a guru, although, I don't like to think of myself that way

Mulholland goes to Benson

Mulholland: I'm trained in different schools of visualisation, meditation, warm stone massage. I also make a really neat pineapple upside-down cake

Mandu tries to eat the water cake

Mulholland: 'cause, heck, even Mulholland likes to mix it up a little. Mostly though I'm a dream maker

We all yawn

Benson: a dream maker?

Mulholland makes us level, with his water

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