Benson And The Beast Part Two (chapter twenty-three)

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Your pov

Kipo: we have to go after them!

Me: how? We don't know where they went

Emilia: that sonic emitter was our best hope for defeating Scarlemagne

Dave: who cares about that stupid emitter? Benson!

Dave was crying

Kipo: don't worry. I'll get them both back

Kipo puts Mandu down. Kipo transforms into the Mega Jaguar and leaves, I was about to go after her but then I remembered Wolf wanted to ask me something

Emilia: let's go after her

Wolf, Emilia, Zane, Greta and I followed Kipo. I was running next to Wolf

I whisper: what did you want to ask me

Wolf whispers: later

Soon Kipo comes back with Benson riding her. Kipo let's Benson down

Dave while running to Benson and crying: Benson, I thought I'd never see you again!

Dave hugs Benson making Benson laugh. He then shows Kipo her anchor and she transforms back

Benson: Kipo saved me. Just like I knew she would. And, no one got hurt

Emilia: except the bats, right?

Kipo: nope. No one! I'm totally in control of my jaguar side. So, now I can fight Scarlemagne, without hurting any humans

Emilia: Scarlemagne? No. That's what the emitter's for. I need you to take down the Mega Monkey

I glare at Dr. Emilia

Kipo: the... Mega Monkey?

Emilia: Scarlemagne has it under his control. You and y/n are the only one's who can stop it. Don't let us down

Roberto: that sure was brave of you. You know, I've been thinking, if you're wanting to, uh, take a stroll in the romance department, there's someone I know who's perfect for you

Wolf and I go to Kipo

Benson: really?

Roberto: mm-hmm. That Wolf girl has been saying wonderful things about you, all day

They look at Wolf. Wolf gives them a sorta smile with a thumbs up

Me: Wolf, what did you want to ask me?

Wolf sighs and drags me into the forest

Wolf whispers: here goes nothing

Wolf: I, uh, I love you

My eyes widen

Me: you love me?!

Wolf nods shyly which I smile at

Me: I love you too

Wolf looked shocked

Wolf: you do?!

I nod she smiles

Wolf: so does that mean?

I nod I saw her blush slightly

Me: we should head back before they wonder where we are

We start heading back as soon as we arrived we went over to Kipo she looked down

Me: what's wrong?

Kipo: this whole time I was training to save our mum, but I might have to fight her instead

Me: maybe there's another way

In the lab

Kipo put pink leaves on Mandu, then tucked him into her bed

Kipo: we'll be back in a few hours. If anybody asks, I'm asleep

Kipo grabs a water bottle then her and Roberto leaves. I hop into bed and fall asleep

Kipo's pov

I was on mums knee

Me: hi, mum

She wakes up and looks at me

Me: it's really you, isn't it?

She starts to cry. I hug her face then I wipe the tear that's in my eye. I grab the water bottle

Me: you look like you need this

I feed it to her. Soon I stop

Me: let's get you out of here

I turn my hands into jaguar paws. I was about to cut it open when I get kidnapped by a flamingo. Soon I get dropped, I look up and saw Scarlemagne

Scarlemagne: well, isn't this my lucky night? You must be Kipo, the elusive burrow girl

I stand up

Scarlemagne: careful, you wouldn't want to hurt dear old daddy!

He shows me dad. Dad pulls out a sword it looks like he got hit with Scarlemagne's pheromone

Me: dad!

I transform back

Scarlemagne: I believe this calls for a feast!

He starts laughing

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