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"New evidence? How, we turned that house upside down." Morales' partner, Gina questioned with her hands on her hips.

Morales was just as mind boggled. "All I know is that what we found was just the tip of the iceberg. That kid knows a lot about Santana. She's our only hope to get him jailed for good."

"We can't just take Iman's word over everything. It could've been the medication talking for all we know." Gina argued.

Morales scrunched his eyebrows, not believing what she had just said. "That child is laying in a hospital bed, not for the first or second time, with a broken rib, and you wanna tell me it's the medication talking?! Bullshit! She's all the evidence we have!"

Gina stayed silent before speaking up again. "All I'm saying is that we should wait for the medication to wear off so we can get a full and clear statement."

"And we'll do so, but for now, we're going back to the crime scene and digging up that whole lawn if we have to. She's not lying," Morales placed his pen in his pocket, trusting his intuition as usual. "Come."




2 days later...

The school had been notified about Iman's situation and everyone knew what was happening. Bryson's behavior had completely become introverted and he kept more to himself. He stepped into a rowdy class and headed to the back, minding his business as he always did.

Macy, on the other hand, showed no signs of remorse. All she knew was that Iman's dad had something to do with her dad being in jail and was sour. That was all evident in how she spoke; constantly trying to defend herself for her father's actions and shifting the blame.

"Hey," Bri walked over to Bryson. "Can I join you?"

Mrs Norwood had already declared the class a free period so everyone was just chilling.

Bryson stayed quiet and all he did was gesture his hand, implying that she could grab a chair. "Sure Bri, even though you can see I have my earphones in..." he bluntly said, not looking at her.

"I just wanted to ask how Iman was doing? I know you've been her only true friend ever since y'all met." She said.

One thing about Bri was that she felt really bad for siding with Macy and bullying other people, especially Iman.

"She's okay. Strongest person I know..." Bryson said while staring into space.

Bri smiled. "Yeah. Can I... see her? I just wanna apologize." She asked sincerely.

"I don't think-"

"Why, Bri?" Macy butt in, from a few chairs away. "So you can convince her that everything's going to be okay as if her father didn't ruin lives?!"

"Grayson! Take that back!" Mrs Norwood yelled.

Almost as if Macy was holding her tears in, she stood up and walked up to Bri. "Don't act like you weren't mean to her!"

"Can you just calm down?! You're always trying to make everything about you!" Bri yelled back. 

"It is about me! Iman's father threw mine in jail!"

"Your father did that himself, Macy! Stop trying to play the pity card as if you're innocent."

By now, the two ex friends were in each other's faces and totally out of Mrs Norwood's control. Shawn stood by Macy just so he could hold her back if anything happened.

"Are you serious right now?! You suddenly wanna be Iman's friend now that she's on her death bed?"

What Macy said pushed all the wrong buttons, even causing Bryson to stand up. "Aye!"

Being pushed to the ultimate edge, Bri pulled out the little zip-log bag she found from Macy a while back. "Yet you're the one snorting cocaine in the school bathrooms!"

The class made noises and comments, causing Macy to run out the class.

"Both of you, Principal's office, now!"

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