Chapter 4 - NYC

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"What?" Peter asked, rolling his eyes at his phone. He and his Aunt May had been spending the past month in Florida, taking a break from all the insanity that had happened the last few months, with Harry, HYDRA, and the fall of SHIELD. Of course the whole trip had been paid for by SHIELD in order to further his debt to the agency, though he would have helped them anyway. Currently he sat on a plane heading back home, after all his aunt still had a job and Peter still had a city to help save.

"Tony, shut up would you. We're on the plane now, ok, I'll be there in a few hours." Peter said to the voice on the other side of the phone.

"Peter, put your phone away, we're going to be taking off soon." His aunt whispered. Peter nodded at his aunt.

"Tony, Tony I have to go now ok." Peter responded into his phone, "Ok, OK whatever fine. Bye." Peter tapped the screen ending the call.

"What was that about Pete?" Aunt May asked from the seat next to him.

Peter shook his tanned face, "Nothing to worry about Aunt May, just Tony being his usual annoying self."

His Aunt chuckled and reclined back in her seat, straightening her New York sweatshirt and moving her wispy brown hair out of her face, as the pilot came onto the PA system and announced their takeoff and to turn off all their electronics, buckle up, and sit tight.

Three hours later Peter felt his Aunt shake him awake, "Peter we're here, wake up!"

Peter grumbled as he wiped the sleep from his eyes, he and his Aunt waited as patiently as they could until the plane had connected to the landing dock and the people in front of them moved out of their way. Peter, having the aisle seat stood up and reached in the compartment above them for their carry-on's. Next to him an older woman reached up for her purse, only to instead knock it off the shelf and let it fall. Lucky for her, though, Peter's sharp reflexes allowed him to reach over and catch the bag just before it hit the ground, saving whatever was inside.

"Why, thank you young man!" The elderly woman replied, clutching the coral pink bag to her chest, "Good reflexes, I remember when I moved that fast."

Awkwardly, Peter mumbled "You're welcome" and moved out of the way in order to let his Aunt out of the row of seats, finally they made their way off the plane and into the airport.

Managing to pick up their luggage in a record twenty minutes at the LaGuardia Airport, Peter and Aunt May shoved their way through the crowd and outside of the airport.

"Ugh, why did we pick such a crowded place to live in? Also, why did we pick somewhere so cold?" Aunt May asked, to no one in particular. Peter shrugged, noticing the fall chill, it was almost November so the snow and cold should be hitting the Big Apple any day now.

Forty-Five minutes later, after hunting down a taxi for fifteen and winding their way through the crowded roads, Peter and his Aunt made it home to their small five-room house and it was only ten minutes after that, when Peter walked out of the door.

"Bye, Aunt May I gotta go." He kissed his aunt on the cheek.

"What do you mean you gotta go? We just walked in the door." His bewildered Aunt exclaimed.

"Sorry" Peter said, shrugging on his brown leather jacket over his navy blue Stark Industries 'work' T-shirt, "Tony said he needed me to come by as soon as I got back. I call you later."

His nodded, waving Peter out the door. Surprisingly, after the whole 'getting kidnapped by his old best friend' Aunt May wasn't constantly worrying about him like she had been before, maybe it's because he has the Avenger's on his side, but Peter didn't know for sure, and he didn't ask.

The trip to Stark Industries took almost twenty minutes, if it was a normal person you were talking about. For Peter, it took less than five as he swung through the New York alleys using his webbing that he had created for his alter-ego Spiderman to use.

When Peter made his way up to the top Avenger's floor he was greeted with someone he hadn't ever seen before. Peter stepped out of the elevator and walked in the main floor of 'The Avenger's' floors, seeing someone in a wheelchair in the middle of the room watching TV.

"It's amazing isn't it." The voice spoke, "I mean this television is so clear and you can basically watch anything you want to on it and control it with this tiny little device." Peter walked to the side of the individual, confused.

"Umm...yeah." Peter responded.

The person in front of Peter had short, shoulder length brown hair, and wore the same blue Stark Industries T-shirt Peter did, along with some light blue jeans, "So? Uh, who are you?" Peter asked, sitting on the couch next to the new girl.

"Kelsey Holland. Tony brought me and Artie here, it's a long story, but basically we escaped from an experimental project facility and Tony saved our lives by bringing us here. Now that same program is most likely gonna hunt us down, but Tony can explain it to you in more detail." The girl held out her slender hand, Peter could see her purple veins crisscrossing under her pale skin.

"OK...Well I'm --"

"Peter Parker, aka Spiderman, just joined the Avengers last year after you best friend kidnapped you."

Peter nodded, "Um, yeah. How did you --?"

"Uh Tony told me." Kelsey responded turning her attention back to the TV screen.

Where is Tony anyway, Peter wondered.

"He's downstairs, helping Artie get discharged from the hospital." Kelsey said interrupting his thoughts, then she looked over sheepishly at him, "Oops, sorry I promise I won't do it again. I haven't really had a lot of practice blocking people out."

If Peter wasn't confused before, he definitely was now, the girl continued, "You look confused. I'm sorry. I'll explain better. The TV is just so distracting." She turned her wheelchair to face Peter directly.

"Ok well I can -" Kelsey began, the doors to the elevator opened interrupting what she was going to say.

"No Artie, you will not get a gun...At least not yet." Tony said, coming to a stop in front of Peter and Kesley.

"Kels! How are you!" The boy accompanying Tony said, bending down to hug Kelsey.

"I'm fine Art. It's been like twenty minutes since you saw me. Check this out though, it's a TV. SImilar to the computers the white coats used but bigger - and better."

Artie, who looked around Peter's age, plopped down on the couch next to Peter. "Artie," Kelsey continued, "This is Peter, or Spiderman."

Peter nodded, still confused and walked over to where Tony was standing, "So, do you mind explaining?"

"Just wait till everyone else gets here kid, I don't wanna explain it twice." Tony responded, walking over to the kitchenette in the corner and pulling a beer out of the fridge.

Police sirens caught Peter's attention, and he looked at Tony, "Hey I just opened this. "

Peter rolled his eyes, "So nice to sorta meet the two of you," waving his hand to the two newbies, "but duty calls. I gotta go."

He walked over to the window and pushed it open, slipping his mask on over his face he fell backwards into the air, and used his webbing to pull himself up again.

He sighed, Vacation time is over.

A/N: So so so soooo sorry this has taken so long to post on here but here it is. Again it's a lot more dialogue and everyone getting to know one another which is kinda boring but I promise it will get more exciting within these next few chapters so please just bare with me!!! :) SO, wattpad has decided to not let me italicize or bold anything so if it looks like someone is talking to themselves, they are...well they're just thinking it to themselves, just to clear that up...anyways thanks so much for reading, please comment what you think and vote!!!

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