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~Told from the EGO perspective of Yibo~

My life was always an up and down, no matter in which aspects. I was lucky once and immediately followed by misfortune. Or also, laughed today and cried tomorrow.

Oh you are surely wondering now who I am. My name is Wang Yibo and I am 28 years old. I want to take you a little bit into my past and show you who I am, how I grew up and of course how I became the person I am today.

How did I grow up? Well, in my memories my parents and I were the perfect family. Yes OK, my father was unfortunately alternately at home for a week and away for a week, but I grew up like that and didn't know any other way. But he was always a good father who took a lot of time for me.

My mother was a passionate housewife. She always got up very early in the morning and conjured up a super delicious healthy breakfast, prepared my school lunches and always woke me up lovingly. And whenever I came home, the apartment was clean and there was something delicious freshly cooked to eat. Funny that the thing I remember most is that the apartment always smelled like freshly washed laundry.

She always used a fabric softener with the scent of spring breeze and this scent was always present in the apartment. In every single room. At some point I asked her how she managed that. She stroked me over the head and said: "Very simple, I put a little of the fabric softener in a spray bottle, add water and then spray it in the apartment on the sofa, the curtains or in the shoes.

I also know that we never had much money, even though my father always worked a lot. And because my mother insisted on spending the housekeeping money on a healthy and balanced diet, I unfortunately never got presents for Christmas or my birthday. My friends at school always thought that we were Jehovah's Witnesses, which was really annoying.

Until I was about seven years old, I kept asking for birthday or Christmas presents, even if it was just something small. But the answer was and remained the same from my mother: "We can't afford it, or do you want to starve? When I turned eight years old, I stopped asking. My mother always baked a cake, but I was so disappointed that I told her that she didn't need to bake a cake for me anymore if we weren't going to celebrate my birthday anyway.

I think that day was the first time I got a slap from my mother. She still baked a cake, but even so I did not eat it. My father yelled at me, but I told him the same thing as my mother: "I don't see why I should eat cake if we don't celebrate my birthday anyway! Besides, that's a waste of money too, isn't it?"

My father got so mad, he punched my ass for minutes. I couldn't sit for three days. After that there was never again cake for my birthday, no congratulations, nothing. It was a day like any other. And yet I always thought, apart from that, I have a good and loving family.

After all, we lived in a safe area. Yes well, the apartment was not very big, which means there was only one room I got and my parents always slept on the sofa in the living room. But the apartment belonged to my parents and some of my classmates didn't even have their own room.

We never went on vacation, instead I always spent my vacations with relatives. In that case, with my uncle, my aunt and their five children. Unfortunately they always drank a lot of alcohol and my uncle didn't tolerate it very well. His moods had always been unpredictable and I was mostly afraid of him.

I remember one night that I will probably never forget. My parents, my uncle, my aunt and another uncle and aunt were drinking together. Not only beer, but also hard stuff. I was already asleep when suddenly the door to the room of the five children opened, my uncle yelled at us all and we had to get up and stand next to each other in the kitchen.

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