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In the very first week I met a young woman. She was a year older than me and we got along great. We became a couple quite quickly. And to be able to offer her something, I took another part-time job. I worked as a dancer and waiter in a nightclub. I earned good money there.

My girlfriend knew how I earned my money and did not mind. At least I was able to buy her nice things. And I liked doing that as well.

One year later I married her. I was a little bit afraid of the wedding night, it would be our first time and I had no experience at all. After all, she had been my first girlfriend. Sure, at school I had enough choice, but I didn't want to have any of these girls.

And the wedding night had been a real horror. She suddenly started screaming, that it would hurt too much and cried all night long. We tried again a few days later, with the same result. It hurt her too much. I looked for tips on the internet, but even those didn't help on our third attempt.

I blamed myself because I had no experience. When we tried it a fourth time, she screamed so violently, then I was so shocked that I didn't touch her after that. Whenever she wanted to come closer to me, I left.

Then, about three months after our wedding, she told me she had been to her gynecologist and he explained that she had some kind of disease that made her feel pain whenever she wanted to have sex. I did some research on the Internet that might help us. But after I read reports from other women who were also affected, how they were suffering and agonizing, I gave up.

We then had a loving and monogamous marriage. For my wife I was ready to accept that.

One year after our wedding we slept in separate beds because she could not bear to be near me without pain. She even offered me that I could sleep with prostitutes. But I did not want that. I wanted my wife, or none.

Although our marriage was without physical contact, it was going well. After university I started working as a male nurse in the hospital and still worked part-time in the nightclub and my wife stayed home. As soon as I met her, she made it clear to me from the start that she was a woman who wanted to stay at home when she was married. And I had no problem with that.

I knew it from my mother. But at least my wife had finished university. I had to pay the costs from the day I married her, her parents insisted on it.

At that time I had actually wanted to become a doctor. I was even registered to study medicine. But with my income, I could not afford it. A wife, an apartment, two cars, and studies, that was not possible. I gave up my dream and did it gladly for the fact that my wife is happy.

And after I ran away from my father and his main wife, my life finally seemed to improve. For the first time I was almost completely happy. Of course, I lacked physical affection and sometimes it was really hard when I listened to my colleagues, how great the sex they had was and I never got to sleep with my wife.

The separate bedrooms didn't make it any easier either, I realized that more and more. But nevertheless, I loved my wife very much and was willing to give up these comforts, because we had so much more in common.

On my birthdays I got presents and cake, Christmas and New Year's Eve we were with her family and were given presents. I thought I had an almost perfect life.

Then just before my 26th birthday on July 02, 2018, I came home exhausted from a double shift at the hospital. I looked forward to a hot shower and to my bed. But instead, a bitter surprise awaited me.

My father found me and I had no idea how. He sat in the living room next to my wife and pretended that nothing had ever happened. He hugged me, told me how happy he was to finally see me again and that I was doing well, and then explained to me that he had a third wife again who was expecting a child. And then he asked my wife when we would start planning a child.

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