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Yesterday Zhan and I had a date. We celebrated a little that we have been a couple for a month now. I had been totally excited all day because Zhan just told me in the morning before we left for work that he had a surprise for me in the evening.

When it was finally evening, Zhan took me to the ocean. He had rented a yacht for one night. We went out to the sea, ate together under the stars, danced and held each other in our arms. This is exactly what I had wished for. Only a week ago I had told him how much I would like to do that one day. And he fulfilled my wish, as a surprise.

The water seemed to stand still and pause in the night. But I could only recognize the dark water because the stars were reflected in it. Out there on the sea, there was nothing else. Only Zhan and me, the water below us and the stars above us.

Soft music rang out through the speakers as we lay on the floor and looked at the stars. It was very cold that night. But I hardly noticed the cold. Because I was in the arms of Zhan and whenever he is with me, I feel warm and safe.

When we were inside, under deck, we lay cuddled together under a blanket on a comfortable double bed in front of the TV. We watched and a comedy. But I wasn't really interested in the film, because I only had eyes for Zhan anyway.

I leaned over to Zhan and blocked his view of the TV. He looked at me questioningly and I asked him, "Wouldn't you rather look at me than this movie?"

"Well, sure, babe. But when I look at you now and we kiss again, it's very hard not to get any dirty thoughts." Zhan replied.

"Um, ZhanZhan?"


"If I were a fruit, I would be overripe. I' d be rotten before you even touched me."

"Huh? What are you trying to tell me?"

"Can't you guess?"

"Yes, I can. But I thought we were going to wait."

"We've been together a month. We've been sleeping in the same bed for four months, cuddling and kissing. How long do you want to wait?" I admit I'm getting really impatient. If I was afraid of the first time with Zhan before, I couldn't wait any longer.

"Are you sure you want to?" Zhan asked me needlessly.

"Yes Zhan! I want it!" I said very clearly.

Zhan grinned at me cheekily, turned off the TV, turned me around so I was lying on the bed and kissed me. And that night, we had made love for the first time. And it was great! It was just like Zhan's mom told me to just relax and let Zhan do everything else.

When I woke up, I watched Zhan sleep. Just like I had done the first time I spent the night at his place. My heart was racing with happiness when I saw him lying there like that. Only now do I really understand what love means. Because Zhan is giving it to me every day.

With him, I realize how a relationship really works. I don't need two jobs to be able to afford the rent for an apartment. Nor do I need two jobs to give him lots of expensive gifts. He loves me anyway and that just the way I am. Or as Zhan always says, because of who I am.

When Zhan also woke up, he gave me a kiss and told me to stay in bed. He got up and made breakfast for both of us and then brought it to our bed. He fed me fruit, rolls, and a yogurt, and whenever I said, "ZhanZhan, I can do this by myself." he shook his head and explained to me that he loves me and therefore wants to spoil me.

After breakfast, Zhan put everything away and took care of the dishes. Then he went into the bathroom. I secretly followed him and joined him in the shower. After last night, I just can't get enough of Zhan and told him that we could continue where we left off last night.

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