-12- Last chapter

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-12- (Last chapter)

When I came home from shopping today, there were pieces of paper on the floor with arrows on them. They led, lined with rose petals and candles, into our living room.

I followed the path the arrows pointed out to me and went into the living room where Zhan was sitting in a heart of candles waiting for me. In his hand he held a bouquet of red roses and a small box. I dropped my shopping bags and went to Zhan with my heart pounding.

"Exactly to the day, two years have passed since you and I became a couple. And Yibo, I love you even more today than two years ago. In my life I have often been uncertain. But not about one thing. Namely that I love you and want to be with you for the rest of our lives. You are the most important person in my life..."

I interrupted Zhan with: "Don't make it so exciting ZhanZhan. I'll say yes no matter what you say."

Zhan started laughing heartily and asked me: "Then why did I go to the extra trouble of thinking up a text?"

"Mhhh, no idea? I definitely say yes. And I love you too ZhanZhan."

Zhan opened the little box and took out the ring. He put it on my finger and said, "I have to ask you anyway. Will you marry me?"

"Of course I will. Absolutely!" I said happily and fell into Zhan's arms.

We have been together for two years now and we are still very, very happy. And hopefully that will never change.

I'm still studying and now I'm working as a medical assistant with Zhan. Like him, I also want to become a specialist in internal medicine. He supports me a lot and as soon as I finish my studies, we might want to open our own practice. At least this is a dream of ours, and I hope we can make it come true.

Zhan's parents would certainly be very happy about it. We see them twice a month. If it were up to me, I would like to see them more often. But because of our work, I can't. Zhan's mother and I have a very close relationship and we talk on the phone a lot. She has become a second mother to me and I have been calling her Mom for over a year now after she offered it to me.

My brother and I now meet once a week if it is possible besides work. He got married a few months ago and will soon become a father. He is completely off the track about it, he is really happy about it, but he is also afraid of being a bad father.

Speaking of father. My father died a year ago. Although the doctors warned him explicitly not to continue his life like this so far, he did not follow their advice. He had another heart attack and this time no one was there to notice it in time. He died while sitting in his car in the supermarket parking lot waiting for one of his wives.

His main wife had left him shortly after the operation. She told me that it was because of what my mother had written to her. But to this day she has not told me what was in the letter. Apparently it was enough to give her the strength to leave my father. She moved in with my brother and received financial support from him.

When my father died, the inheritance was divided between her and us children. She sold the house that my father had signed over to her, hoping she would return to him, and from the sale of the house, she kept half of the money from it and the other half, divided it between my brother and me. My father and I talked again in peace shortly after his surgery. We shook hands, but I could not forgive him.

I took the money to finance my studies with it. The rest of the money is in a joint savings account of Zhan and me. We don't know yet what we want to do with our saved money and are still saving diligently.

Who knows, maybe we will use it for our common practice? Since Zhan is the owner of our apartment, we do not worry about housing. We both love the apartment and moving is not an option. Maybe we could use some of the money and take a trip around the world at some point? Who knows.

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