Chapter 2

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Warning: Mention of attempting suicide and domestic abuse.

Their steps are wide and with purpose, making their way towards us.

Both wearing fine suits and hats, but I could see in their eyes they didn't belong here.

"Mr Hawthorne!" The first man hollered. He was well groomed with black hair, a mustache and more rings than I could count as he held his hand out to Frank.

"I'm Archibald Smith. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person." Their hands meet in a solid shake.

"This is my associate, Alfred Lafonde." He gestures to the older man with him. He looked alot kinder than Mr Smith.

"Ahh nice to meet you two gentlemen..." He shakes the older mans hand.

"...this is my wife, Annabelle." He finally releases his grip on my arm as I nod politely at the two strangers.

"Run along now, no need to bore you with manly buisness talk." Frank turns to me but I don't hesitate to turn on my heals and leave the three men behind me.

I'm glad to finally get away, he's been holding me like a rabid dog on a leash all night.

Seeing the balcony doors I decide to get some fresh air, in the hopes of calming down the flaming dispare inside me.

I'm alone out on the third floor balcony, away from the deafening sounds of meaningless chatter.

The railing is cold to the touch, as is the air on my skin.
Closing my eyes as I listen to the quiet tapping of hooves and the tram bell in the distance. Saint Denis hardly sleeps.
Neither do i.

I look down to the street below, the cobbled street seeming so far yet so close.
Surely it would hurt to fall from such a hight, I think to myself.
It would hurt alot, could bring the peace I've been searching for.
The cobbles look welcoming and warm as I stare below, unable to avert my eyes.

My hands grip the railing till my nuckles turn ghostly white.

It would be easy.
It would be quick.
It would be freeing.

Just as I lean over slightly, my heart racing and my breathing staggered at the thought of leaning just a little bit too far, a hand grabs my right arm.

Squeeling at the shock and pain from an already existing bruise there, I'm pulled out of the deep trance and turn to whoever had stopped me.
His hat slightly covering his eyes, only stubble and what appears to be a scar on his chin can be seen.

"I wouldn't do that miss." His voice is harsh and deep, but not as harsh as his grip on my arm.

"I'm sorry I - I thought I was alone out here." My breathing still staggered as I try to catch my breath.

He lifts his head and his eyes meet mine. Crystal blue, like a lake on a warm spring morning. I have to pull myself to look away, for the fear of drowning.

"You were really gunna do it?" His voice hinted slight worry. Worry for a stranger?

I don't reply, just look back out to the street beyond.

He huffs as he loosens the grip on my arm.
"Life can be bad, but not that bad, yo-"

"You don't know my life!" I say sternly, looking back to his eyes.

He shuffles back slightly, eyes to the ground as his hand land on the back of his neck.

He went to speak next but we were interrupted by the balcony doors opening, revealing Frank and the two men he was just speaking with.

Frank looks between me and the man at my side, his eyes filling up with anger as he looks straight at me.

"Time to go" he says deadpan, barely above a whisper.

My head falls towards the ground as I quickly walk to him, his harsh grip back on my arm.

I'm going to pay for this when we are in the privacy of out hotel room. I'm going to pay dearly.

Frank leads me to our room on the second floor swiftly, saying his goodbyes to others in passing.
I'm almost tripping over my feet as he leads me downstairs and towards the door. My heart is racing again, I want to pull away but I can't no matter how desperate.

Once the door is slammed behind us he flings me onto the hard wooden floor.

"Frank...please...I didn't do anything." I try to plead, holding my arms up to cover my face from the expected beating.
He rarely goes for the face, he doesn't want others to see the evidence of who is truly is.
A mistress of his threatened to speak on what he done to her only a weeks ago. He took it upon himself to make sure that didn't happen.
I was the one that had to clean up the blood.

"Didn't do anything!? You're nothing but a useless whore, aren't ya?!" He says through gritted teeth. His eyes black with rage.

His balled up fist is in the air and I prepare myself for the pain.

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