Chapter 30: The Winter Soldier

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Location: Washington DC, United States
Time: 1200 Hours
Date: 12/02/2013

Several days after the Operation on the Lemurian Star, Derek remained on DC in case of any emergencies coming from Nick Fury as the Infinity hasn't returned from its interstellar mission.

Inside of his apartment Derek is sitting on the couch watching the news of previous events of the Avengers taking down several supervillains on the street. He looked down at his phone looking at the picture of him and Natasha smiling. It was 3 months ago and it was their first date.  He's still knowing why Natasha would betray him like that, but he's willing to find out why.

He was snapped out of his trance when his phone rang. He looked again to see Nick Fury calling him.


"Derek, need you to meet me at Roger's apartment." Fury simply said.

"Okay. Why....." Derek was suddenly cut off as Fury just ended the call without further explanation. Standing up from his couch he took his pistol and holstered it in his right hip.

Next. He went to grab his jacket and finally his car keys. "Time to find out what the hell he wants." He muttered as he exited his apartment and headed down to the garage. Once there he opened his E-Tron GT and exited the parking lot.

Several minutes have pass as Derek is driving to Steve's house. He looked outside to see a car crash with a black car flipped upside down with several police cars, firetrucks, and paramedics on the scene. He ignored it and proceeded to drive to Captain Roger's apartment.

After 20 minutes have passed Derek finally arrived at Steve's place. He entered the building and being lazy swiftly hacked the front door and entered. He pressed the button on the elevator and went to the 5th floor. He looked at the room number and spotted Steve's room. Where he waited for several minutes for him to arrive knowing that the Captain will be outside at this time.

Several minutes later Steve finally arrived as he looked at Derek in surprise to see him at his apartment.

"Derek, can I help you?" He asked.

"Fury, sent me here. He said he has something to say." Derek replied as Steve nodded at his response. Steve opened the door and can clearly hear a music playing coming from the living room.

They entered the living room to see Fury sitting on a chair with the lights off.

"Didn't know I gave you a key." Steve said as he and Derek leaned towards the wall.

"You think I'd really need one?" Fury asked back sitting straight. "My wife kicked me out."

"Didn't know you have a wife." Derek said.

"A lot of things you don't know about me."

"I know, Nick." Steve replied as he got off the wall and went to turn on the lights. "That's the problem." As Steve turned on the lights they both got to look at Fury as he scratches and bruises all over his face and his clothes are torn a bit.

Quickly ignoring their concern Fury stood up and turned off the lights. He typed something on his phone and showed it to them. It reads. 'EARS EVERYWHERE'. "I'm sorry I had to do this, but I have no place to crash." He typed something on his phone again and this time it reads. 'SHIELDS COMPROMISED'.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Derek asked.

Fury typed again and it reads. 'JUST YOU TWO AND ME'. He stood up fully on the chair. "Just. You two and my friends."

"Is that what we are?" Steve asked.

"That's up to you." Fury replied and as soon he made a move gunshots came from behind and hits Fury. "AHH!"

Steve quickly pulled him away from the gunfire as Derek quickly draws his pistol. As they got to cover Steve and Derek found their shooter across the building on the rooftop. As they were about to pursuit Fury held Caps hand revealing a USB drive. "Don't trust anyone." Fury said as he finally closed his eyes.

"Captain Roger!" They both turned to the doorway as a blond female holding a pistol bust inside Steve's room.

"Who the hell are you?" Steve asked.

"Agent Sharon Carter of S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm assigned to protect you."

"On whose orders?" Steve asked.

Sharon looked down at Nick's fallen body and replied. "Him. This is Agent Carter I need an EMT ASAP."

Derek looked down on his wrist computer and spotted multiple armed men storming the Apartment. "Steve, got multiple tangos heading inside."

"Take care of them. "I'm going after the target." Steve said as he made a clearing and jumped from across the building.

"Stay with him." Derek said as Sharon nodded.

Derek closed Steve's door as he went downstairs and take out the armed men. Once reaching the 4th floor he can hear them all moving towards the staircase. Derek first took out three tangos as he quickly took cover.

"Shooter's over there!" A man shouted.

"Perfect." Derek muttered as he quickly flanked them left and took out several more men before hiding again.

"There. Right there!" Another man shouted.

"After him."

The men followed the noise of the suppressor, but to their surprise all they come up against is a dead end.

"What the?!"

"Where's the target?"

Before another person asked. Derek dropped from above and dropped the men surrounding him.

"Team 2, report? Team 2, report!?"

Derek entered an air vent and quickly closed it and flanked his enemies again. He got on the right side and took out the men with quick shots on the head. Derek got out of his cover and went up to the 5th floor to find Sharon with Fury.

"Captain, what's your status?"

"He got away. You?"

Derek crouched down and placed his two fingers on Fury's neck and no pulse. "Fury is KIA." He reported.

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