Chapter 16

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Cursing warning

Sans took in a shaky breath. This couldn't be the case. Maybe Carter wasn't actually the father. No, Grillby wouldn't lie. Sans put a hand on the small swell of his belly. The souls pulsed at the touch.

Carter was a strong monster that the people of Snowdin kept their distance from. Even Sans. The fox monster always had a short temper and always felt the need to take his anger out on others. Sans didn't even know how he had gotten the chance to procreate with him. It kinda surprised the skeleton.

Never did he expect this. 7 months pregnant with the scariest person is Snowdin's child. Sans took in another breath and knocked on the door. "F*ck you want?."
"H-hi Carter, can I speak to you inside?"
"Fine." Carter said as he allowed Sans inside his house. He already looked irritated. Sh*t.
The fox monster grabbed Sans by the shirt and growled. "You wanted to come back for more?"
"I'd actually like to discuss something with you." Sans said keeping his voice calm.
"Speak you fat b*tch." Sans figeted his hand towards his stomach. "Carter I think you're the father of my child. Carter grabbed him by the shirt once again and flung him into the wall. Sans heard a crack as his head violently banged again the wall. "With my child?!"
The fox monster quickly ripped up Sans shirt and stared in shock. "That's our child." Carter looked looked at Sans with pure rage. "Why the fuck didn't you terminate it?"
Sans slowly took Carter's paw and put it in his stomach. The souling pulsed. Carter flinched at the movement and his face softened a little.
"That's... Our child?"  Sans nodded, Carter sighed. "Please keep this a secret."
"Fine...and I'll help when our child is born." Carter's eyes began to water "Please just don't die like my mother." Sans has never seen this side of Carter. "How about I make some tea and we can discuss all this." 
         "That's sounds great"

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