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"Why, why? Why are you running?!" Chanyeol immediately asked upon Jungkook's panting appearance appeared in front of their secret hideout.

Jungkook tried to speak but he's still trying to catch his breath.

"Here, drink some water. Bro, what have you gotten into now?" Yoongi, who decided to take a visit with Hoseok, asked.

He immediately drank some from the water bottle that was given to him and took one last heavy breath before speaking up.

"J...Jimin-" however, he couldn't finish his words as the three man in front of him exclaimed at the same time.

"JIMIN?! WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!" He needs to cover his ears to protect his eardrums from exploding.

"Calm down, he's alright." He rolled his eyes and Yoongi, Hoseok and Chanyeol sigh.

"He saw me-"

"WHAT?!" And again, he covered his poor ears.

"I swear, you guys are so loud, my eardrums will explode! Please spare me guys!"

"Okay, continue." Hoseok, who was now calm [not really] decided to speak as the two beside him looks like they won't be speaking for a while now.

"As I was saying, he saw me. I was doing my routine every day, following him where he goes, making sure that he is safe. He started working again today which makes me relieved. I was standing outside my company and he was at the garden, looking outside. At first, he didn't see me because I was hiding behind the nearest tree, but then he stood up and his attention was thrown at me. I was shocked to say the least, I thought he was looking somewhere else, but his eyes widened and his mouth was agaped." His eyes unconsciously widened too as he was explaining.

"I realized that I've been caught on so I ran away as fast as I could. It's really nerve wrecking! I was scared but also a bit happy as I saw those beautiful crescent eyes staring at me again." He smiled at last and it was enough to make the others smiles too.

"Thanked God nothing bad happened. You should be careful, stay low as possible and make sure no one recognized you when you go out. It's not yet time to reveal yourself."

"Hoseok is right. Besides, we only need one more thing before it happens so just wait for it to arrive then you can finally hug your fiancée again."

"Please let it be soon. I don't think I can wait any longer."

He looks outside the window and was mesmerized by the beauty of the nature, it sure do looks like the one he just saw earlier at his company. A once beautiful flower who is currently torned.

[13] MR. CEO - JIKOOK [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now