E-Boy Denki (Chapter 2)

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A/N: I didn't expect anyone to read this story so thank you so much. Now, on with the story


We arrived at Kaminari's house. It was a little bigger than most houses and it was a cream yellow color.

He open the door for me and we stepped inside. I looked around until I felt something hug my leg and giggle. I looked down to see a little girl, she had the same golden eyes as Kaminari but she had long black hair. The girl looked like she was around 7 years old.

Then a beautiful woman with long black hair came into the room saying "DENKI WHY ARE YOU BACK SO-" Before she could finish her sentence she saw me and said "Hello, I'm Denki's mother Akira. You must be his girlfriend" she said with a polite smile on her face.

"No, were just friends!" Kaminari and I said in unison. My face turned a deep shade of red and I was curious to see if Kaminari was blushing but I was too embarrassed to look at him. Instead I just used my quirk and he was embarrassed and flustered. With this new information I smiled internally.

Akira looked at us both and giggled before saying "I'm just teasing you guys, it's getting kinda late and I need to get Aiko to bed. Are you staying the night?" She questioned. "Yes if that's ok Mrs. Kaminari." I said feeling kinda guilty that I just showed up at her house with her son and saying that I'm staying the night.

"Yes, it's perfectly fine for you to stay, and you can call me me Akira." She stated. Akira took Aiko up the stairs. I look over at Kaminari and I can still see a faint blush on his face. "I'll show you to my room, also I'm guessing you don't have extra clothes with you so you can borrow some of mine." Kaminari said as he led me up the stairs to his room.

Once we got into the room I looked around. The walls were purple, he had a few hero posters and some band posters.

He had a Fall out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil and a few more band posters. He kinda gave me E-Boy vibes which was exactly my type.

I turned around and saw him looking through his drawers for clothes. He handed me a pair of F/C basketball shorts and a black hoodie with the Fall out Boy logo on it.

"I didn't take you as the type to like Fall out Boy." I stated breaking the silence. Kaminari rubbed the back of his neck before responding, "Really, you didn't? Also you can change in the bathroom." he said while motioning to the door in the corner of his room.

I walked over to the bathroom that was connected to his
room and walked in. I took off my black jeans and put on the basketball shorts, I took off my F/C sweater and threw on the hoodie. I picked up my dirty clothes, folded them and walked back into Kaminari's room.

Denki's POV

As Y/N walked out of the bathroom I felt my cheeks heat up. They looked super cute in the clothes that were way to big on them. The hoodie came down to their mid thigh and the shorts came a little past their knees.

"Hey, you ok?" asked Y/N. I had realized that I was staring. "Oh, sorry. You can put your dirty clothes on my desk and you can have the bed, I'll sleep on the ground." I stated as I started to make a bed on the floor for myself.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and my golden eyes met E/C ones.

"You don't have to sleep on the floor we can just share the bed." Y/N suggested with a light blush on her face. I nodded and started to put away the blanket and pillow I had put on the floor before.

Y/N sat on the bed and pulled the blankets over herself. I shut the light off then walked over to the bed. I pulled the blankets over myself and feel asleep quickly.

757 words
I know it's kinda short like the last chapter but I am really tired. I will probably post 1 chapter a day, if I don't I will try to do 2 chapters the next day. Thank you for reading, Byeeeeeee!

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