Hanging With Kaminari (Chapter 4)

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"The entrance exams are in a week, do you have anywhere to stay till then?" Kaminari asked. "Uh...ya I do" I lied

He looked at me in disbelief before saying "That's a lie, your staying here"
I really don't want to bother him anymore, he's already done much more than he had to. It also feels kinda rude to refuse it though.

"Are you sure? I don't want to cause you any trouble." I mumbled.  "Ya! Your welcome here anytime. Besides my mother already loves you." He exclaimed.

It made me happy seeing how excited he was about this. I tried not to smile but it didn't really work. I haven't actually been happy in years, it feels nice. "Do you want to play  Mario Cart?" Kaminari asked.

"Uh..sure, but I have never played before. He smiled then grabbed my hand and led me back downstairs. We walked into the living room and we sat down.

At 12:00

"Aw you beat me again. I thought you said you've never played before." Kaminari pouted. I giggled. "I haven't, guess I'm just naturally really good at it." I said.

Then I heard a weird noise. It was Kaminari's stomach. He made eye contact with me for a second before we burst out into laughter. Once we stopped I realized I was kinda hungry too.

"Do you want me to order us some pizza?" He asked. We hadn't eaten since the pancakes this morning so it was about time. "Sure!" I replied.

"What kind of pizza do you like?" He asked. "I'm not picky, I'll eat anything" I said. "Ok so I'll just get 2 large pepperoni pizzas and a bottle of soda." He informed me as he took out his phone to order it.

A few minutes later he put his phone away and said "It should be here in about a half hour." I nodded as he sat down next to me. "So what do you want to do till then?" I asked

"How about we play 21 questions." He suggested. "Sure how about you go first." I responded.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite Hero"


"Cool! Any hobbies?

30 minutes later

We were so caught up in the questions we almost didn't hear the knock on the front door. Kaminari got up and grabbed his wallet and opened the door.

After he gave the man money and he got the pizzas and soda he shut the door and put the pizzas and soda on the coffee table. I went into the kitchen and grabbed 2 plates for us, and 2 cups.

When I entered the living room he was already shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth. "Looks like someone was hungry." I teased. He pouted as he took one of the plates and a cup.

He poured us both soda and I grabbed 2 slices and out them on my plate. We turned on the TV and put on a horror movie. Since I grew up with an abusive dad the movie didn't really scare me but it scared Kaminari.

He flinched at every little thing and although it was funny it was also kinda cute. When we got to a jump sacre he clinged onto me and muttered a quirk apology but he was still clinging to me.

By the time the movie was over Kaminari was asleep and I really didn't want to wake him up so I just decided to take a nap.

A/N: I know this was kind of a short chapter, sorry.

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