Cuddles (Chapter 3)

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No one's POV

Denki stayed fast asleep but Y/N wasn't having the same luck. Y/N started to have a nightmare about her dad abusing her. It wasn't out out of the ordinary for her to have these dreams but they still bothered her.

Growing up she would always have to use makeup to cover the bruises. They were mostly on her arms and face so it didn't take long to cover the ones on her face.

She finally woke up and quickly shot up in the bed. Y/N looked around and didn't recognize where she was until she remembered yesterday. She was breathing heavily and had cold sweat running down her face and she was freezing.

Denki's eyes fluttered open and he looked at her confused. "Hey, you okay" he asked slightly concerned. "Ya, I'm fine just I just had another nightmare." I informed him as my breath started to steady.

Denki slightly sat up and put his arm around my waist and pulled me back down to the warm bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" He inquired realizing that there was tear stains on her face. She was crying while she was sleeping.

"Not really, but I'm freezing. She stated. Denki pulled her closer to him as she snuggled into his warm chest. Denki's eyes started to get heavy and he drifted off to sleep.

Y/N was still awake and was a little scared to go back to sleep. She started playing this his messy golden hair and studied his features. He was so cute, then he started to lightly snore. It wasn't the annoying kind of snore, it was adorable.

Y/N eyes then fluttered shut and fell asleep without having Nightmares this time.

In the morning

"Wake up guys." Akira said as she stood in the doorway to Denki's room. Denki groaned as he sat up in bed removing his arms from around Y/N. She was a really heavy sleeper so it might take a while to get her up.

"I'll get her up." Denki informed his mother as she stepped out and closed the door. Denki looked back down at Y/N and took in her beautiful features. She looked really cute but sadly he had to wake her up.

He lightly shook her as he said "Hey L/N, time to wake up."
"5 more minutes she groaned and rolled over. He chuckled as an idea popped into his head.

He got up out of the bed and picked her up bridal style. Y/N's face blushed slightly but she was way too tired to care.

He walked downstairs with her in his arms. When they got down the stairs Denki sat Y/N down in a chair in the dining room.

Y/N fell out of her dazed state when she smelled warm pancakes and syrup. Akira walked over to the table with 2 plates that have 2 pancakes on each on them.

She placed one infront of Y/N and the other infront of Denki. Denki started to eat his pancakes and Y/N did the same.

"You should enroll into UA." Denki suggested. Not looking up from his food. "Fine, it's not like I'll get in anyway." Y/N said before eating more pancakes.

After eating

Denki dragged Y/N upstairs to his bedroom. Once they got there he sat at his desk and turned on his computer.

His home screen was a picture of Pikachu. Y/N chuckled and set her chin on his shoulder.

637 words
End of chapter because you have a very lazy author. Also I'm pretty sure I used they/them pronouns for Y/N in the other chapters and in this chapter I used she/her so I apologise I might go back and fix that later.

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