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Clarke's POV:

The rest of the night was spent drinking. By the end of it, none of us were sober enough to make it to our little camp by the river. We all ended up spending the night by the bunker. Octavia and Levitt retired to the shelter outside the bunker for the night with Indra and Gaia while the rest of us picked a room inside. Raven was able to get the power up and running again so we had lights as we all scrambled for a room. Well, it was more like stumble for a room.

            Lexa and didn't drink nearly as much as I did so as we walked the halls she held me up until we came across an empty room with some bunkbeds. Lexa left me leaning against a wall and pushed two of the bunkbeds together and moved the mattresses around to make one large bed. She grabbed a few pillows from the other beds and all of the other blankets and arranged them on the bed.

            Once she got it to her liking Lexa came back for me and had me sit on the edge of the bed. With her gentle hands she took my boots off. As she did I shucked my jacket off and threw it on the floor.

            "My bag." I said to Lexa and pointed to the backpack that was on the floor. She must have grabbed it and brought it inside for me when we came in.

            Lexa gave it to me and I started to pull some clothes out of it. The I grabbed a new tee shirt out and handed one to Lexa before pushing everything else to the floor to deal with it tomorrow.

            "Do you need help?" Lexa asked as she watch me get tangled in my shirt as I tried to take it off.

            "Please" I asked quietly feeling utterly useless right now. Lexa helped me get my old shirt off my body and she even helped me into the new shirt. Once it was on I reached for her hand and Lexa helped me stand. After I was steady Lexa helped get me out of my pants and once my legs were free I plopped right back into the bed.

            I sat up against the back of the bedframes and watched as Lexa dipped out of the room. She returned a few minutes later holding a few candles that were lit. She placed them around the room to her liking and I got out of bed and flipped the light switch to turn the overhead light off. I closed the door to our room and turned around to find Lexa in the middle of changing out of her clothes.

            Her body took my breath away and I couldn't help myself as I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. Her bare upper body was cool to my touch and I placed a few kisses to her collar bone.

            "Hodnes, lets get some sleep tonight. There will be plenty of time for that." The term of endearment roll off her lips and it brought tears to my eyes.

            "Okay" I said and kissed her shoulder one more time before letting go. Lexa slipped the shirt I gave her over her head and turned to face me.

            I was still feeling a bit floaty from the alcohol I drank as we got into bed together. The two candles lit in the room are the only source of light as I cuddle into Lexa. Our bare legs tangle together as we rest our heads on the same pillow. I inched my way closer to her and press my lips to hers. Lexa responded right away and cupped my cheek with her hand and held me close. The kiss didn't last long but it was enough. Lexa pulled away after a few moments and tucked my head into her neck. It wasn't long after that that we feel asleep.

            When I woke up the next day Lexa was still sleeping next to me. I have no idea what time it is or what is happening outside our room but it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm in Lexa's arms and we are together again. I think she must have woken up sometime recently because when I looked around I saw two fresh candles were burning on each side of our beds. I shifted in bed a little bit and got a close to Lexa again. My eyes found her face and it brought me back to our first time together.

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