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Clarke's POV:

Time is a funny thing when you don't have to worry about it anymore. Before any of us knew it five years has passed. Our first year on Earth again was full of work. We all wanted to be out of the bunker and have our own places to call home. But since we started our plan first, everyone came to help Lexa and I build our house. The structure of our house wasn't too hard to build. We were able to take a lot of materials from Bardo and Sanctum to re-enforce the walls and provide insulation for the cold winter months.

            Once the walls were up Raven moved in and spent a lot of time running wires throughout the house for electricity. There was some trial and error when it came to the electricity and it took a few fried solar panels for Raven to get the voltage right. But once the lights were in we moved onto running water from the bunker to the house. In the end it took a lot of digging and pipping but we finally got running water and a bathroom in the house so we didn't have to keep going back and forth to the bunker to use the bathroom.

            After our house was done and all the testing was complete to see what worked best we started to help Octavia and Levitt with their house. Instead of a year, we were able to finish up their house in 8 months. When we were finished with their house we could all see the relief on Octavia's face.

            Getting to watch Octavia grow these last five years has been like watching a flower bloom. Gone were the days of Skairipa and Blodreina. Her time with Hope and Diyoza on Skyring really brought her humanity back. That and she was able to find love again in Levitt. After all she has lost in her life, it made me so happy to watch the pair together. It was also nice to get to spend time with Levitt too.

            Levitt is actually a really nice human being and smart too. Raven and him had long conversations about running wires and connection issues when they were putting the wiring in for my house. Even though the pair wasn't together for that long, he always knew how to calm Octavia down. In the first few months of living in the bunker she had some panic attacks but instead of running away like Raven and I were concerned he would do, Levitt was right by Octavia's side, helping her breath through them. They were truly a matched made in heaven.

            It took a few weeks to really grasp that Raven was in a relationship with both Emori and Murphy. At first I don't think I understood what was happening. I knew that Raven and Emori did spend some time together while they went back into space. But to see her around Emori and Murphy things changed. Especially with Murphy. From the little Raven told me about their relationship in the beginning, she was really just with Emori and her and Murphy were more like friends. But a few months went by and I could tell that Raven had feelings for Murphy as well. It took her some time to come to terms with them and she eventually opened her heart to include Murphy as well. I really noticed the difference in the three when Raven started calling Murphy John. That took some getting used too.

            As Raven came around more to Murphy he started to soften up. His once cockroach shell was shed and was replaced by this warm Murphy who did anything either Emori or Raven asked him to do. He would follow after the girls like a puppy chasing a toy. It was adorable.

            As for Emori, she was still the headstrong leader she was on Sanctum. Emori likes to plan ahead for things and keeps us all organized. On days she isn't keeping stock of something in the bunker she is often helping Raven build something. In the time they spent in space Emori, became Raven's apprentice and is always willing to spend extra time with Raven building something.

            The three of them are still living in the bunker. Mostly because Raven built a workshop there and didn't really want to leave. Since Raven built her clocks they were fine with staying in the bunker. After some renovations they moved into Cadogan's office. It was one of the nicer larger rooms in the bunker were they would have enough space for the three of them.

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