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Clarke's POV:

We really didn't sleep much that night. We had a lot of time apart to make up for so that left little time for actual sleeping. When we did finally settle down to sleep for the night it was a welcomed break. In the morning when I did wake up I found Lexa was still sleeping on her side facing away from me. I couldn't help but feel tears water in my eyes when I thought back to the last time we were in this position.

            Carefully I raised my hand and gently traced the outlines of the circles tattooed on Lexa's back. Something shifted in the air and I knew Lexa was awake. Before I could go farther down her spine Lexa turned onto her back to face me.

            "Nothing is taking me away from you this time Clarke." Lexa said her voice thick with emotion. Both of us to in tune with each other to know what the other is feeling.

            "I know, it's just going to take me a while to get used to that fact." I said watching her eyes water as well.

            "How about we see if they have anything left from breakfast." Lexa said trying to change the subject so neither of us dwell on the sadness for too long.

            I nodded in agreement but before getting out of bed I lean into Lexa. She met me half way and left me breathless with a hard kiss. Lexa didn't kiss me for long before she broke away from me and started to slip into some clothes. I just watched her from bed and took in her body. I got to see all of the bite marks and scratches I left on her body from last night. The possessiveness in me drew a large smile on my face especially when I saw the large hickey on her neck.

            Lexa threw my bra at me as I was too distracted to realized she was doing it. I just laughed and finally got out of bed to start to get dressed myself. It didn't take long before we finally left our room and walked towards the mess hall. When we got there we found the place empty with a few plates of food left on the table. I grabbed some meat that was left over along with some fruit and piled it on a plate while Lexa grabbed two cups and filled them with water.

            We took our food topside and found Echo, Niylah and Hope sitting around a small fire. The other women paused there conversation when we arrived and watched us sit down.

            "Look who finally came out of their room." Echo smirked and took a sip of her drink.

            "We were taking bets to see when you would come out." Hope said.

            "I think that Octavia might have won with them coming out in the late afternoon." Niylah said.

            "I'm not surprised." I said and started to eat the meat Lexa warmed up.

            "You two have lovely matching bite marks though." Echo said and laughed into her drink.

            I could feel myself blush and I started to stuff my face, only realizing now how hungry I was. Lexa just ignored the three girls and ate with me. It wasn't long before I heard two voices getting louder coming from behind us. Octavia and Levitt came and sat in between our groups, both sweaty holding swords.

            "I see someone had a busy morning." I said watching as Octavia brought her shirt up and wipe away some sweat on her face.

            "I'm not the only one, look at your neck, it looks like you got maul by a jaguar." Octavia said looking at my neck.

            "Shut it O." I said and drank the last of my water.

            Octavia and Levitt snickered and just relaxed as the sun started to peak through the tree tops. It didn't take long for Lexa and I to finish off our food and she brought our plates back inside. When she returned Lexa had one of my sketchbooks with her. She held her hand out for me and I took it. Lexa pulled me away from the group and lead me towards the remains of the tower. 

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