The Pogues

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"We're the Pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time."

The large house held an orange tint from the brutal sun, feigning a burnt filter over the houses along the shore. The OBX was known for the intimidating heat in the summers even while thousands of surfers named it the perfect paradise. 

The house was white and modern, a glass balcony overlooking the shore. It had scaffolding along the side for new sustainability against the ocean spray. They had even begun redoing the bathroom near the kitchen. It was located right on the sea side where storms would hit directly. It was the perfect spot. 

John B teetered on the roof of the house with a can of beer, warming in his hand. Pope looked up at his brown haired friend with one of the spare electric screwdrivers in his hand. He squinted his eyes to look up at John B, "That's what, a three-story fall to the deck? I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."

"Hm." John B licked his finger and stuck it up into the air, trying to feel the wind direction. The sun was slow to set behind him, creating a pastel pink in the sky. "Should I do it?" he asked. Pope put his screwdriver up and pretended to aim at him with it, "Yeah, jump. I'll shoot you on the way down."

John B smirked, "You'll shoot me?"

Pop nodded, "Yep." John B put his fingers into a gun position and fired back, "Pow!"

The two boys stopped their banter when Kiara walked out of the scaffolding, "They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." She directed her walk towards Cassie, who was leaning on the balcony and looking out into the ocean, trying to enjoy the weather. JJ shrugged, "Of course. Why wouldn't they?"

Cassie agreed, "I mean, they have the money."

Kiara scoffed, "This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?"

"I can't have cold towels," JJ inserted. Cassie turned from her spot and looked at John B, "Can you please not kill yourself, Brandy?" Cassie was the only one to call John B, Brandy. When Cassie and John B were in the sixth grade, they tried some alcohol in Big John's storage cabinet and Cassie just thought that the word Brandy fell off the tongue a little easier.

JJ yelled up at him, "Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one." John B lost and quickly regained his footing only for his beer to slip out of his hand and splatter onto the balcony. He yelled out, "Whoa! Oh, shit."

Cassie rolled her eyes, "Of course you did." JJ shook his head, "Smooth."

John B looked down at his sad beer and groaned while Kiara muttered, "Dumbass."

Cassie watched Pope as he swung around the scaffolding to clearly see a security car rolling into the driveway. Pope turned to his friends, "Hey, uh, security's here. Let's wrap it up."

JJ picked up his beer, "Boys are early today."

Cassie gave a chuckle, "If you don't move your ass JJ, I will literally drink all your beer."

JJ smirked and said in a sing song voice, "You could try, itty bitty Cass." Which earned him an eye roll from the dirty blonde. JJ grinned and yelled out to the security man, hustling to get out of his car, "Gary, is that you?"

Gary sighed, he had been doing this all week. "It's me."

JJ smiled with delight at the older man, "Gary, good to see you, man!"

John B placed Cassie in front of him and grinned down at her, "Is it time?" "You know it, boys!" Cassie exclaimed.

She took off in a run with JJ in front of her and the rest of the Pogues following. Cassie grinned and whooped loudly in the air which made Kiara respond in a gleeful "Whoo Hoo!"

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