Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Harry's POV

It was two hours later when dad walked in to find Hermione and I thrown across the furniture of the living room, both with books in our hands.

"Well I didn't know you could read Harry." He called out. Looking up from the book I was holding upside down I found dad carefully leaning on the doorway, as if not trying to soil his robes with the non existing dust.

"I can't, I was just holding onto it so Hermione would shut up." I guess this finally got the attention from the bookworm in the room because I saw her nearly jump out of her skin when she saw her professor in the doorway.

"I'm sorry sir, I shouldn't be here, I'll just go now." Came her hurried replied

"No, your fine as long as Harry wants you here you are always welcomed." Dad told her. I think being civil scared Hermione even more than his normal way did because she got even more flustered and jumped to her feet in one quick motion and almost ran out of the rooms saying a quick goodbye.

"Come on dad" I almost whined

"What, what did I do?" He asked while fighting a smile

"Could you not scare my friends?"

"I have no idea what you are talking about. All I said is that she was welcomed here."

"Yeah but you said it in a nice voice and smiled, of course that's a little weird coming from the dungeon bat."

"Who are you calling a bat?"

"No one of course."

"That's what I thought." There was moment of silence then the questions I was dreading came

"So where's the other one?" Dad asked as he moved to sit beside me on the couch.


"Harry? Come on what happened?" A quiet voice gently push for more information

"Lets just say he wasn't too happy to find out I was a Snape."

"I'm sorry Harry." He told me as he pulled me to his side

"It's ok I knew he wouldn't take it too well in the first place."

"He'll come around."

"I hope so." The air around us stilled as we sat there in peace mulling over the day.

"A Snape?" Dad asked

"Well...yeah. I mean I am your son I just thought it might be a good idea for me to take your last name." I told him, after only getting silence from him I quickly added on to my thought

"Unless you don't want me to take your name, I mean... I..." I trailed off

"No! I mean of course I want you to share the same last name I just thought you wouldn't want that."

"Well you are my dad after all, this is the one thing I want all my life. I'll always wanted was a family."

"And you'll have one here as long as you want one."

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