I always admire how beautiful and soothing rainy season is. How lovable it is to breath knowing that every cold, there is warmth; and that is you. That every cup of coffee, there will be you; hugging me from behind, kissing me from behind.
This is home feels like.
This is what I'm always looking for every night before I drift off to sleep.
This is what I'm longing for---for the past years. This is what I want for living.
Seeing you next to me, feeling your warmth and being loved. This is what I always wished for.
This is what living feels like.
I am always dreaming waking up next to you-- every morning with flowers on our bedroom table and pairs of bread and coffee.
I'm always dreaming sitting next to you on our sofa in our garden while reading my favorite book and holding your hands; feeling your warm like sunset every five-thirty.
There is rain but there is you and that's enough.