7. Phil

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At VidCon last year, I thought we had an emotional connection. You hugged me and listened to me without interruptions, even when the security guard tried to pull me away. You looked at me as I walked away. But I felt a pang of guilt not texting / calling when you gave me your number. I wanted to write this letter, something much more personal. I have a boyfriend. He's sweet and generous and cares for everything and everybody. I am sorry. I love your videos and you as a YouTuber friend, but I will never love you more than a friend. I'm so sorry, Phil.



I sat there and cried. Julia, with her dark-brown semi-wavy hair and her light blue crystal eyes, had taken my heart and torn it in half. I think that's more hurting than a million pieces. I never should have put my heart in Julia. She was there from New York, and she knew we would never work. She flirted and watched the Notebook with me during VidCon. Why can't she love me back?

I held the picture she had attached to the letter. I took it over to the fireplace. I kneeled down to throw it, but placed it in a frame and set it on top instead. I couldn't bear to throw it away. She made me feel good inside. 

She let me understand that I was not falling for Dan. I walked over to the living room, when I heard giggles coming from the couch. I start to think it is one of Dan's many affairs.

"Phil!" Dan yelled. I came scurrying in, and saw the one thing that hurt me the most. Dan's girl was identical to the girl I had fallen in love with. Dan was Julia's boyfriend.

I fell to the ground, crying and hearing her beautiful melodic voice, I ran into the bathroom. Dan started pounding on the door and after a few moments, I let him in.

"Phil, what the hell?" Dan put his hands on my shoulders, but I couldn't bear to look into my ex-best friend's eyes. He had dated the one girl, the one person I wouldn't accept. I wouldn't accept because I wanted her.

"Remember that girl I was telling you about that I hooked up with at VidCon last year and I thought I was in love?" I started explaining it to him. 

"Yeah? So?" He questioned me.

"Her name was Julia, and she is right in there, kissing you." I explained it to him, and realization flashed across his face. He ran his left hand through his hair and his right hand running down his face. 

"Oh crap." 

I headed out of the bathroom and slammed the door. I walked out of the apartment, grabbing my keys on the way out. Her image inside of my head is now screwed up. I walked back into the apartment, and threw her framed picture into the fireplace. All I heard was crackles of the blazing fire, consuming the picture. I looked into her plain eyes that had no sparkle like they used to.

And I walked out.

A/N I'm back. I decided to write Phil. Supposedly, Phil met somebody named Julia at Vidcon last year and now he is receivng a letter from her, breaking his heart. I can't wait for more of Julia and Phil's story. The girl on the side is Julia.

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