A Night To Remember

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"Minah" my voice has never sounded more confident in my entire life, it was as if I was reborn into a new person, if that even makes sense.

For me, that day, made sense, I drank my liver out, having to visit my best friend the bathroom every 30 minutes, even if the after taste was horrible, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, I was living, thriving. Me and Sungho talked for the rest of the night resulting us ending up in the same bed the next morning. It was a mutual decision, of course, my sober self would never commit to this, but we have came to the conclusion to become fuck buddies or as some would call "friends with benefits".

The next morning I woke up next to the still sleeping guy, I tried to be as quiet as possible when sneaking out . I called an Uber home and while driving I found out I wasn't the only one getting laid that night.

Irene had finally scored her hundred with the dude she was chasing a couple hours prior, safe to say, they are official which made my smile grow.

If he treats you like shit ,he'll wake up lacking his manhood🤪🤪🤪

I threatened, because Irene was precious to me, and getting heart broken, well it ain't pleasant, so it's only the logical solution. However my smile quickly faded once Taehyung's text message popped up from the top.

Taeae 🐻 :
hey,can we talk?...

I suddenly cursed under my breath, reminding myself to change the contact name later. However, I wasn't so sure if I wanted to give my time of day to Mr. Cheater over here by replying. What he did was wrong and any sane person would know that, once a cheater always a cheater.

I swiped up the notification to hide it and put my phone away, Taehyung will be a problem to which I'll deal with later.

As I got out of the Uber I started rummaging through my little baguette bag, looking for my apartment key, not paying much attention to my surroundings.

"Minah!" A voice shouted in front of me, the tone was laced with almost a happiness/concern, I quickly averted my gaze up from my bag, still keeping my hands inside in search for the said keys. Not to long after scanning my eyes around the area, I saw the owner of the voice.

Without even hesitation the said owner quickly jumped me, confronting me into a big, warm hug.

"K-kookie?" I stuttered, shocked a bit about the use of the pet name that I spurted out. I could sense he noticed that too tensing a bit.

Once Jungkook finally released me from his hug, his hands slowly falling down from my shoulders to my forearms, he looked into my eyes, searching every single bit of anything, any emotion I would give back.

His hands finally fall down back to lineup with his hips, and he, after a long time, speaks up.

"I—,I'm sorry, that was a bit too sudden..." Jungkook trailed off, scratching the back of his neck still flustered. " ...I was just so worried about you." He let out a breathy sentence locking my eyes again with his.

Now he was finally able to read the emotions I was portraying with my eyes. They were worried and ultimately concerned that he was worried about me, out of all people.

"Jungkook..." I trailed off, my eyes still capturing every single movement of his, sparkling with slight guilt. "I never wanted you to be worried, I'm really sorry, but I'm ok...I truly am." I responded truthfully.

"I'm relieved..." he mumbled the response.

I cracked a slight smile for reassurance, and offered him to come to my apartment for some coffee to catch up.

"No, I'm sorry, I can't" To my surprise, Jungkook's response took me back a bit, not like him at all.

"That's quite alright..."

"I just really wanted to check on how you've been, since I've haven't heard from you in ages, and then you just like...like suddenly disappeared..." He chuckled a bit easing the tension. "...It kind of got scary"

I only mouthed an "o" shaped response in understanding. "Yeah..Um...again sorry about that..." I said apologetically.

"I actually have something to tell you though" As if I thought this conversation would go soon dry, Jungkook blurted out that sentence, sort of relieving me.

"I have a girlfriend now" He sort of sheepishly smiled after saying that. "Um, I thought you should know, since you're like very important to me" He added, probably sensing my tenseness.

"Jungkook!" I yelled out in happiness. Well, that was my initial reaction, but deep down I kind of felt off and hurt, because he's moved on. It's not how I should feel though, I knew Jungkook still had feelings for me and I pushed him off, I have no place and right to feel like this, yet I still was.

"I'm so happy for you!" I continued, wrapping him up in my arms. Jungkook was quick to hug back, mumbling a quick 'thank you' as he did.

Only when Jungkook's slender hands wrapped around me the second time, I was reminded I was in nothing more than a short party dress, making me quite blush and cringe, remembering last night's doings. Jungkook just brings out something out of
me that no one else does.

"Well I'm very glad you found someone!" I spoke up, after breaking the hug. "Well...then I'll get going..." I chuckled awkwardly, motioning to the dress and heels, I was still wearing from last night, to indicate that this attire was somewhat uncomfortable.

Jungkook only hummed in understanding, looking me up and down. "I never knew you were the party type Minah." He chuckled, looking back up at me.

"Well...you know me.." I awkwardly laughed "the party gal" I finished talking, earning another loud chuckle from the boy in front of me.

"Well, don't have me stopping you" He replied smiling cheekily. " It was nice seeing you Minah, healthy and fine." He added, still keeping up his smile, looking dear into my eyes, waiting for me to say something back.

"You too, Kookie" I smiled back, all awkwardness gone, only sincerity bursting through it.

Jungkook brushed through my shoulder,a nd I turned around to watch him get into his car.

I sighed slightly as he got into it, and turned my heels to my apartment direction.

I opened up my buildings door and looked ahead of the flight of stairs ahead of me.

"Fuck it" I mumbled, reaching for my heels to take them off, and ran up bare foot to my apartment.

Before unlocking my doors I muttered under my breath once again

"Damn... Jungkook really has a girlfriend?"

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