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Emman POV

Three years later....

I glanced at my wife whose now busy playing with my little fairy daughter Amelia. We named her after Natalie mom which I am quite ok with it since it's my lovely wife idea. Speaking of wife, did I mention how sexy she is even after giving birth to our daughter?

Hell! Everytime she visited me in my office my male workers can't help looking at her which makes my blood boiled instantly. I hated it when someone eyeing her or more on like looking at her likes she's a delicious food. Though honestly, I always eyeing her that way. Lol! But she's my wife so it's ok for me right?

I look back again to them and both of my love busy playing while swimming in our pool. My wife wearing two piece swimsuit which makes her smoking hot even more and I am tempted at this moment to take her, right here , right now. If not for my daughter I am busy wondering in her body now.

I sigh as I look down. I am a total boner just looking at her. How much when she's near me. Especially now she's fucking sexy as hell.

I went to then and dive to the pool. My daughter give me a beautiful smile when she noticed me getting near them.  I spoon both of them and hugged them making both of my girls giggled.

"Daddy!" My daughter said in excite mode and jump towards my arms.

"Hey little girl be careful!" I said to her while I kissed her pinkish cheeks lovingly.

"Daddy I am a big girl now! Don't call me little girl!" She whined at playfully smack my chest.

"Hahaha.. your such a cute baby!" My wife said to her

"Mommy not you too! Don't call me baby!" She said to her.

"So what are we going to call you then?" I asked her

"Call me big girl! And oh! I wanted to be official be girl so I want to have a little brother!" She said in a twinkling eyes. Me and wife look at each other.

"Oh no! You asked mommy about that! " My wife glared at me

"Mommy please can I have a little brother or sister? Hmm?" She said while she give her mom a very cute puppy eyes.

I am so proud of her, even though she's only three years old she talked and act not exactly her age. She's very beautiful like her mother, one thing i am so proud about is that my daughter takes her body beauty and that's makes me more happy. Having a carbon copy of my beautiful wife as my daughter what else I could asked for more.

"Why don't we stop swimming for now since we been soaking in water for long and it's not good we might get cold!" My wife said as she got up and that's makes her towering me over. Oh boy! That's makes my hungry for her even more she's fucking sexy in the tight red bikini plus water flows off on her body making it more attractive.

Then she picked up our daughter and went to inside but before she could turn I grab her wrist and lean closer to her ears.

"Can we ask the nanny to change her clothes? I am so in need of you right now?" I said while she look at me staring confused then I gestures my below and she blushed.

"I swear you and your....!" She stopped whatever she want to say since she doesn't want our daughter to hear such bad words. She stomped her feet and walked away. Then shouted at her

"Babe please!!!" I said in a pleading eyes.

"Fine wait for me in the room!" She said and I smiled triumphantly.

After a few minutes, my wife barge in our room and I smiled as she walked closer to me. I open my arms and she gladly succumb into my embrace. I inhale her familiar scent that I love the most. Then she pull gently to me and look deeply into my eyes.

"Emman what is it?" She asked me eyeing me.

"Sweetheart how about we make baby two? ...yo.!" Before I could finished off my sentence my wife cut me off

"Oh no not you too! Your daughter been bugging me about it too!" She said in scowling

"Sweetheart our daughter needs a sibling you know? And she's three years old now, I think she's ready to be a big sister!" I said trying to convince her.

"Really?" She asked me with a sly grin.

"So your ok with it?" I asked her giving her a puppy smile.

Then she walked away from me and went to the drawer next to us. I looked at her puzzle but I choose to remain silent. Then she walked closer to me again and hand me something. I look at the thing she hand to me and I look at her confused.

"What's this mean sweetheart?" I know what she hand me it's a pregnancy test but I don't know what's the meaning of the results.

She look at me amused and she smiled to me and I swear my wife is so fucking beautiful.

"Emman I am pregnant again!" She said to me smiling

"Really? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her and I grab her waist and put her in my embrace.

She look at me more on like staring at me.

"Because I want to suprise you but you and your daughter keep bugging me about it so I decided to announce it now!" She said

"Thank you sweetheart!!" I said and I give her raining kissed on her face making her giggle all over.

"By the way how old is our baby?" I asked her.

"Oh I don't know the gender yet and I am two months pregnant.!" She said to me.

I hugged her again and kissed her. I will always be greatful to have such a beautiful and amazing wife. She give me life and fucking love it. Soon our family will grow more and I loving it just the mere thought of it.

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