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Emman POV

It's been two days since she's been discharged from the hospital. I on the other hand take a whole week off work since I wanted to spend my time with her and the fact that she's pregnant I want to take care both of them.

But sad to say, I know she's still keeping that decision of leaving me for a moment. I know I am such an idiot to agree but if that's what makes her happy then I am ok with it.

I open the door to our room and my heart immediately stop, I can basically hear from heart getting torn into pieces now by the sight of her packing her things inside her suitcase.

"Sweetheart!" I greeted her then I hug her from behind since her back facing me.

I inhale her sweet scent and I hugged her lovingly, if only I can change her mind but I know she already made up her mind and now all I can do is to make her feel how much I love her.

Then an idea pops in my mind.

"Sweetheart" I said while I kissed her side cheeks.

"Emman get off! I need to finished this!" She said as she try to pry my arms that wrapped around her.

Oh no! I just feel the need to be clingy to her at the moment.

"Sweetheart do you remember you used to asked date in a cafe after school? I think I miss drinking the fratti over there!" I said while I rested my head on her shoulder.

"Emman that's long time ago and I think they already closed by now!" She said then wiggle from my arms again.

I groan and I squeeze myself even more to her.

"Emman stop hugging me! Can you get off and just sit please!" She said and wiggle again.

"But sweetheart I like it better this way. I want to hug you all the time, please just let me... Please... !" I said then I give her a pick on her lips quickly.

"Emman!" She said as she glared at me looks like my wife losing her temper over me now but I want to be clingy husband today and I just felt I want to.

"Sweetheart please! Can we go there? Their are still other cafe available of they are close please? You keep asking me back then and now I am saying yes then you don't want?" I said and I put t my voice into something like I am hurting.

"That offer was long time overdue Emman!" She said

"That's why I am asking you. Your asking me back then but right now I want to take you in a date please... Please... Please!" I said while I give her my puppy look eyes.

"Emman my flight is 8 in the evening today. I need to prepare my things!" She reason and was about to back from packing her things but I didn't let her . I grab her hands and held her close to me.

"Sweetheart please take me to a date today? Please? I think I deserve a date. You never asked me date anymore!" I said I know I am sound like an idiot but I just want her to distracted from packing. Because seeing her like that makes me want to die.

"Fine! But we just need to be quick okay? So I can finished this!" She said yes finally! I nodded and hug her then giver her a shower of kisses on her face .

"Love you... Love you... Love you.. so much sweetheart!" I said then hug her again.

"Ok now let me go so I can prepare myself!" She said

"What are you talking about? What are you going to prepare?" I asked her

"I need to change clothes Emman!" She said

"No need your already beautiful and sexy!" I said while I embraced her again. I don't why but I really love to smell her, it makes me feel like I am in heaven.

"Emman I swear your too clingy today. Can you please let go!" She said

" Sweetheart I am always clingy right? Come no need to change your always beautiful to me!" I said then I held her hand and we walked outside the house taking my car and we drive to the nearest cafe.

We order and the waitress place our order in our table. I quickly get the spoon and fork dive in to the cheese cake and took a small size and feed to her .

"Emman I can eat on my own you know!" She said while she rolled her eyes to me.

"Come on I want to feed both of my baby!" I said then put the spoon in her mouth again. And thank God she oblique.

"Sweetheart....!" I said

"What?" As she busy munching the muffins

"Why do you like me back then?" I asked boldly to her out of the blue. Making her choke and I immediately patted her back gently and give her water.

"What was that all about?" She asked me.

"What?" I asked her innocently.

"What happened to you today? Why did you keep reminiscing the past? " She asked me as she wipes her mouth with my handkerchief that I give to her.

"Nothing! I just curious to what makes you like me back there?" I told her honestly.

"Why would you want to know?" She said eyeing me carefully.

"Because I feel like you don't love me like you used to back there. Even I keep saying no to you but you still like me. Right now you didn't have time with me, you want to be far away from me and you don't want to date me!" I said while I can feel my eyes slowly teared up.

"Emman I swear your like a pregnant woman, your so dramatic today!" Urg why can't she understands I love her so much.

"Call me dramatic or whatever but that's how I feel. You change... You never love me the same anymore! If only I have time machine I will gladly go back to the time when you love me so much. And I will never be an ass or asshole to you." I said to her.

"Are you saying that I don't love you now?" She said.

"Hmm.. you kinda love me but not as much as you love me back there!" I said.

"Because we're not crazy teenager anymore. And we become mature as time passes. But believe me or not the Natalie that loves you back then is the same Natalie right now. The difference is that I grown to love myself and priority myself especially now we're having our baby!" She said.

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