Chapter 6

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I'm so confused...
people actually like this?..


Thanks alot tho. Makes me happy.

also. Thx for the sweet comments. Keeps me motivated!

Welp. Here's ur chapter. Enjoy💚

(No ones POV)

It was the middle of the night.

The tv was still on.

(Y/n) was half asleep on the couch, Nightmare on their lap with their hand on his skull.

Horror next to him, stuffing his mouth with chips......


at nightmare...

Nightmare tried to ignore him. But it was kinda hard when he was sitting right next to him.

what did he want?

He was so confused.

He got this odd vibe from him that he didn't like...

He shifted awkwardly, making
(y/n) groan in their half asleep state.

then their hand shifted on top of his skull and started lazily scratching.

He liked that.


Horror didn't like that.

What did (y/n) like about this guy?

He certainly didn't like this guy, AT ALL.

And why was he suddenly getting all the attention?

was it because he bit him?

He could still taste the black goop in his mouth......

The thought made him grin a little.
He didn't regret a thing.

(Cheeky little bastard- pfffffft-)

His smile dropped though when he looked at (y/n)'s hand.

He wanted scritches too-

And then. As if they could read his mind. Their other hand moved from their stomach to place on his skull...

and started scratching too.


(Y/n) woke up with a yawn.
What were they petting?

They probably moved to pet the skels while they were half asleep right?

They looked down and saw what was underneath their hands.

Horror and Nightmare.

Guess they were right.

Horror was staring at Nightmare, who was staring at (Y/n) instead.

What happened again?

Where even WERE they?

.    .    .

Oh right, they're in their living room.

Y/n groaned.
"Gmornin'..."  they were still kinda half asleep.

The bitties both looked at them and nodded.

They stretched. You could hear an almost inaudible whine, coming from both of the bitties as they stretched their arms.

What day was it again?

They grabbed their phone from the end of the couch.

Right,  work.

They sighed. They didn't hate their work. But they didn't feel like doing much today...

'Stupid monday's'

They thought to themself.

~time skip 3 hours~

Y/n was sitting at their desk, working on a commission.

Horror was on their bed, eating some chips.

And Nightmare was on the desk next to them hand, watching them draw.

"What's that?" He asked them.

"A skirt" answered y/n

"Why do they have cat ears?"
He asked a moment later.

"Because she's a neko"
Awnsered y/n again.

"She looks grumpy"  said horror suddenly.

Y/n looked at him, then at the drawing and then at nightmare, who was sitting next to y/n's hand with his arms crossed.

They giggled. "Yeah she does, kinda like Mr. Grumpy over here" they giggled again.

Nightmare's only eye socket went wide and a faint purple glow spread across his cheekbones.

A tentacle spread from his back and covered his face in shame.  He sighed.

~some time later~

"Hey, um guys?"

Y/n asked.

They were sitting on their bed with the two tiny skels on each side of them.  They were watching some YouTube.

The bitties looked up at them in acknowledgement.

"You two have names right?"
They nodded.

"Well... do you actually like them? I'm sorry to say but 'nightmare' and 'horror' don't seem very... appealing to me.."

They looked at eachother. Horror shook his head, nightmare shrugged.

Nightmare asked: "why do you ask? Do you... want to give us new names?"

Y/n nodded frantically.

"I'd like that actually. I'm not very attached to my name anyway..."
Said horror.

"What about you nightmare? Would you like a new name?"
Y/n asked him.  He shrugged again.

"Well how about this: I'll think of new names and you can just tell me if you like them or not. Sound good?"

Nightmare nodded slightly.

"Welp. I'll think of something later then. It's way past my bedtime"


Welp, that's the end of this chapter. I'm sorry it's so short and random. I've just been dealing with alot lately and have been working on this at different times.

I'm terribly sorry for the long wait aswell but as i've mentioned, i've just been dealing with alot.

Thank you for all the sweet comments. I even saw some people make friends in the comments and that just warms my heart. I appreciate all of you, so so much💚💚💚💚

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