Chapter 2

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                       (No ones pov)

Y/n walked towards the kitchen. When they were there they looked inside the fridge. There was some pancake batter, left overs from yesterday, some ice tea and half a bottle of ketchup. 'Well it isn't much but I don't think the lil' guy can eat that much anyway'  Y/n thought. They reached for the leftovers (it can be whatever you want) and closed the fridge. They went to the microwave to warm it up and noticed it was pouring outside. They checked their phone for the weather. It said there would be heavy rains and maybe some thunder. Nice. It's weird how calming rain can be in the evening. They put the food in the microwave and waited.

Y/n looked over at horror who was still on the couch, eyes glued to the tv. They giggled a bit. Then they saw a flash of light outside the window. A few seconds later and you could hear loud thunder and a yelp from the living room. It must have been close.

When the food was done Y/n placed a portion for on a plate and a smaller portion for horror in the corner of their plate. They walked back to the couch to see that horror wasn't there. They placed the plate on the couch and looked around trying to find him. "Horror? Where are you buddy?"  Y/n kept looking. Then they heard a slight whimpering sound from underneath the couch. They bent down and sat on their knees to look under the couch. They saw a small red glowing eye staring at them. "Hey buddy. What's wrong?" Then thunder from outside. Horror yelped again and closed his eyesockets. 'He must be afraid of the thunder'  Y/n thought. "Hey, hey it's fine. It's just thunder. It can't hurt you."  Y/n tried to comfort him.
He was trembling and just stared at them. They reached out their hand but didn't grab him. They just layed it flat on the floor in front of him. They hoped he would hop on himself but he didn't.

Y/n sat up straight so they could take the plate of food off the couch, then placed it on the floor just in front of the couch and waited. After a few seconds, they could hear the sound of small bones tapping on the wooden floor. Then they could see a tiny boney hand reach for the food on the plate.

Y/n giggled a little. 'What a little cutie' They thought. After he took some food they sat on the couch and placed the plate on their lap. Y/n ate some of the food when they noticed horror was now sitting next to them, staring at the plate. Y/n chuckled. "You want some more?" They asked. He looked up at them and nodded. They gave him some more food and finished their own.

The thunder outside didn't stop. It was loud too. After they finished they placed the plate on the table in front of the couch, when they heard the loudest thunder ever. Horror pretty much jumped on Y/n's lap. He grabbed their shirt tightly. He looked so scared. They sighed and pet his skull gently.
He jolted and then looked up at Y/n's smiling face. "It's ok. Don't worry. I'll protect you" They reassured him. He looked down. You could see a tint of blue on his face. It was adorable.

Y/n placed Horror on the couch so they could stand up. Then took their plate to the kitchen and placed it in the sink. ", I'll clean it later" .Lazy...... 

They went back to the couch and scooped up horror in their hands. He looked surprised. Y/n was a bit worried he would bite them but he didn't. Not yet atleast.

(it switches to y/n's pov here because i haven't edited that yet)

I switched off all the lights and walked to my bedroom with horror and the plastic bag in my hands. I placed horror on my bed and sat on it next to him. "I think there are some pj's in this bag. You wanna wear them? It's better then that stained shirt." I told him. He nodded slightly. I took out a light blue shirt and pj pants out of the bag and placed them next to horror. "Here put these on."
He took the pj's and stared at them. Then he stared at me. I didn't get why. He just kept staring.
Then it hit me. "O-oh right, heheh sorry." I turned around so he could change.

After a minute or so I felt a small tap on my lower back. "Are you done changing?" I asked while turning around. I looked down to see horror in the pj's. My eyes widened and I gasped. 'SO CUTE!' I thought. "Oh my, you look so cute in those!" I said. He shook and that same blue color started forming on his face again. He crossed his arms and looked away from me.

"I-I'm not cute" I heard him say. "Well then maybe I need glasses cause I see the cutest little bitty skeleton in front of me right now." I said smiling. He turned his head to look at me and stared at me with the most confused look, all while the blue color remained on his face. "Well I'm going to change into my own pj's so stay here please." I told him and took a big, black shirt out of my closet. I walked towards the bathroom to change.

A while later I walked out. When I came into my room a saw that horror had fallen asleep on top of one of my pillows. He was curled up into a small ball. It was so cute. I quietly placed my other clothes down on a chair. I took a few pictures with my phone and got into my bed, laying my head down on the second pillow. I stared at the sleeping skeleton bitty in front of me before my eyes felt heavy and started to close.

 I stared at the sleeping skeleton bitty in front of me before my eyes felt heavy and started to close

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I can't draw hands qwq

End of chapter 2

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