Chapter 3

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(Author-chan here. Sorry for waiting. I needed some time to think. Have fun reading <3)

(Horror's pov)

I didn't remember what I was dreaming about. Probably something food related because my cheek had drool on it. I normally drool when I think/dream of food.

What am i sleeping on? Oh right a big pillow.
Are they supposed to be warm?
So warm~ *purr*
I gripped the pillow to bring it up to my face to snuggle. I tugged but it didn't work. I kept tugging but my fingers just got tangled in the fabric.

(No one's pov)

He grunted, trying to pull out his hand, but it just got worse.

Finally he decided to open his sockets to look.

He stared at his claw like hand, stuck in the fabric of your oversized shirt.
He gasped and quickly covered his mouth with his free hand to silence him.

When he looked up at you to see if you were sleeping. He was met with your face, completely red because you were holding in your laughter.

He gasped once again, making you burst out laughing.


Horror's face started to light up bright blue.

(Yea i know, some people prefer red. But he is an older version of classic so i think the blush should still be blue :p)

He crossed his arms and looked down. You could hear an audible growl comming from him.

"I'm not c-cute." Horror said, blush remaining.
"Well i think you are. You can't change my mind!" (Y/n) said, wiping away a tear that had formed from laughing.

(Y/n) picked up the grumpy, face blue little skeleton in their hands and stood up from her bed. They walked to the kitchen and placed Horror on the counter.

"Soooo... do you like pancakes?" (Y/n) asked while grabbing the pancake batter from the fridge.
Horror didn't awnser. (Y/n) turned to the side to see why when they saw he was drooling, sockets wide.

"I take that as a yes"
(Y/n) took out a pan and placed it on the stove. They took out a lighter to turn it on.

Horror got a bit surprised from the sudden flame coming from the stove. (Y/n) placed a bit of butter in the pan before dumping a bit of the batter on top.
While the batter was frying, they took out a plate and placed it next to the stove.

"Hey, wanna see something cool?" (Y/n) asked, looking at horror. Horror nodded.
(Y/n) quickly tossed the pancake and flipped it perfectly. "Tada!" They said, proud of themself.

Horror stared at the pan, amazed.
(Y/n) chuckled.

When the pancake was done, (Y/n) placed it on the plate next to the stove. Then they put in some more butter in the pan for the next pancake.

While (y/n) was getting the next pancake ready, horror was staring at the plate with anticipation. He couldn't help the drops of drool running down his chin.

When the second pancake was done, (y/n) was about to put it on the plate, when they saw horror sitting on top of the pancake, mouth full.

(Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle. "Heheh. Guess you were hungry." They said, still chuckling.

After a few minutes all the pancake batter was gone and the plate filled with pancakes. (Y/n) took some syrup from the cabinet and put a load of it on the pancakes. They then took the plate and horror to the living room and sat on the couch in front of the tv.

(Y/n) cut a piece and gave it to horror who was sitting on their lap. Horror's face lit up with joy when he ate the pancake with syrup.

"See, it's alot better with syrup on it." (Y/n) said, chomping on a peace of the pancake aswell.
Soon enough the entire plate was empty.

A tiny groaning skelly was laying lazily on (y/n)'s lap. He had eaten a bit too much and was covered in syrup.

"Ohw, look at youuu. Tiny stuffed skelly covered in syrup. You need a bath." Horror just kept groaning while (y/n) scooped him up and walked to the bathroom. They placed horror next to the sink.

"Stay here I'm going to get you some clean clothes." (Y/n) said, walking to their bedroom. They picked out a dark red hoodie and black sweatpants. When they came back, horror had fallen into the sink and was trying to get out. (Y/n) chuckled at the sight.

They turned on the tap, feeling with their hand if the temperature of the water wasn't too hot or too cold. When it was right, they put in the plug.

"Ok here is a towel" they placed one next to the sink. "And here are some clean clothes. You can undress and wash yourself in the water." They said, turning off the tap. "I'll be out the door so you can call me when you're done.

Horror looked at (y/n) and nodded. Then they left, giving horror some privacy. He started to take off his clothes and got in the warm water in the sink.

(Meanwhile outside of the bathroom)

(Y/n) was on their phone. Looking at some pictures they took of horror sleeping on their belly this morning. They chuckled quietly.

You could hear water splashing from inside the bathroom. Guess he was having fun with the warm water.

(Time skip)

After about 6 minutes horror yelled for (y/n). He was ready.
(Y/n) emediantly went into the bathroom. They were really curious to see horror in the clothes they picked out. It would look adorable.

When they got in, they looked at the tiny skeleton standing next to the sink, hands in the pockets of his pants. You could still see a bit of water dripping from his skull.

(Y/n) smiled. "OMG YOU LOOK ADORABLE IN THAT!" They yelled, picking up horror and rubbing his wet skull.

Horror was surprised. And his face felt warm. He was blushing. Again.

Thx for reading this chapter. I'll try to get the next one out as soon as possible <3

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