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"We found out who was behind this, it's the Lee family's doing." One of hyunjin's men said. Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows

"I wonder what Felix wants this time" he said and stood up "Gather a lot of guys, we're going to the Lee's" he commanded and everyone bowed at him

"Hyunjin! Let me go with you" you said and he looked at you

"No" he straightforwardly said without even any hesitation in his voice "I promise I'll take your son back. You're staying here" he said then walked away

The door closed and the faint sounds of the car slowly faded away. You knew hyunjin can bring Sam back but you can't just sit here and watch, the Lee family who are they? Are they enemies of hyunjin?

You walked upstairs to your room and started to dress to an all black outfit. You can't exit through the front gate because hyunjin told the guards to not let you go outside. So now you're jumping from your window

You've done this before so it'll be easy. You slowly looked at how high is the fall, how did I even survive from falling that high? Whatever

You jumped and landed to the ground with your body. Yeah, ouch. You stood up and dusted your clothes as you looked everywhere and as soon as you saw that the surroundings were clear you started to sneak your way out

But as soon as you turned to sneak a chest was faced to you. You slowly looked up and saw someone unfamiliar to you

"Ma'am where do you think you're going?" He said and gave you a smile

"Uh I..."

"Hyunjin told us to keep an eye on you and to make sure that you don't sneak your way out of this mansion" he said, you were about to say something when you've noticed something about what he said

He didn't call hyunjin young master, sir, or master.

"Who are you?" You asked

"I am Lee Minho, one of the members of the hwang mafia. I am like hyunjin's left hand" he said, with his right hand in his tummy and his right hand in his back as he bowed (like the one in bts dynamite? There's like a part where they did that lmfao)

Why does he have to bow like that?

"O-Oh well I was just uhm taking a walk!" You lied

"By falling from the window?" He innocently asked and smiled at you. You bit your lip and sighed in defeat

"Look can you please let me go? I know hyunjin will and can get my son back but I can't just make myself sit here and watch" you said

"I'm sorry but It's hyunjin's orders if I can't do it right he'll have me executed" he exaggerated but still had that smile in his face. You looked down

"Fine.." you said. You didn't want hyunjin to scold him because of you

I hope you're gonna return safe


Hyunjin POV

We arrived at the Lee's territory and my guards surrounded his place as we barged in the entrance of his mansion. Felix was standing at the living room while having a glass of wine on his hands

He looked at me with a confused face and I immediately pulled out my gun and pointed it directly at him, his guards that was at the living room pointed their gun at me but my remaining guards that was with me pointed their guns at felix's gaurds

"Woah woah woah this is trespassing, Hyunjin Hyung" he said while having his hands raised up to the air as he smirked

"Give my son back" I said. His eyebrows furrowed and laughed

"What month is it today? Is it april 1st? You have a son now Hyung? Who's the unlucky lady huh?" He said and laughed, he placed his glass of wine at the table and looked at me "Oh...you're not joking?" His facial expression turning into a confused face

"Do I really look like I have a time to joke Lee Felix?" I squinted my eyes at him and tightened my grip at the gun I was holding "Where's my son" I asked

Felix sighed and massaged his head then looked at me "Look, I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't even know you had a son! I know we're enemies but I wouldn't spend my entire time and power to figure out what's going on in your life to use it against you. Remember, Hyunjin I don't play dirty" he said

I looked at him. I didn't believed him, I was already deceived by him not once not twice but a millionth of times. Yet he didn't succeed.

"Oh you don't believe me? Okay you know what I think right now? If I kidnapped your son I wouldn't even be here, I'm not that stupid to not think that you're gonna barge in here without even caring that what you're doing is trespassing. I would've stayed with your son to an abandon building not in my territory, who would want their territory to be destroyed by a single man?" He stated. He does have a point but I'm not letting my guard down

"Bring that man that said the Lee family was behind this" I commanded to the guards and they obeyed. They dragged the man who said the information and made him kneel in front of me

"Wait, you're not gonna kill him in my territory ri-" without even letting Felix finish his sentence I pointed the gun at the man's head and pulled the trigger before the man could utter a single word

Blood scattered at the ground and felix scoffed "Not only did you trespassed but also killing someone at my beautiful clean house!? What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He said and looked at the blood with disgust

"Shut up. Don't act like you've never killed anyone" I stated and he rolled his eyes

"I never would have imagine you having a son. Any woman who would actually volunteer to have your son is cuckoo" he joked but I glared at him

"But really who's the woman you forgot to use condoms with?" He laughed and I just gave him a death glare

"Shut up before I stick my gun at your throat"

"Relax, we haven't seen each other for years. Have you forgotten that I was in Australia for 5 years? I just came back last year and now you're greeting me like this?" He asked and I scoffed

"We saw each other at business meetings" I argued and he laughed "I'm going" I said and stood up but stopped when he spoke

"You know who I think is behind this?" I slowly looked at him and saw him took a sip at his wine

"Nine dragons" he said

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