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"Why are you frowning?" Hyunjin asked. Who wouldn't, we were at the CENTER of attention since there were so many gaurds following us. People kept on stealing glances on us

I hate all of this

"Is this what 'some' looks like to you?" You sarcastically asked and he looked back to his gaurds then back to you

"It's better safe than sorry" He said with a smug look on his face

"Atleast tell them to not make it so obvious that they're gaurding us" You rolled your eyes

"Y/n they're guards not assasins" you're so pissed off right now. If he wasn't a fucking mafia boss then I would kick his balls right here, right now.

"Ah whatever" You walked faster than him to lose him. He didn't actually chased you which you were glad

Atleast he knows when to give me privacy

You guys were at the mall. You didn't know why you guys ended up here even though you just wanted to visit the street where you and your brother used to live to.

You decided to go to check out some stores but suddenly bumped into a guy. He wasn't as tall as hyunjin but you were shorter than him

You noticed the guards behind him which pushed you when you accidentally bumped on him. I am amazed by their fast reflexes but do you really have to push me like that?

Out of kindness you decided to just bow to avoid any ruckus going on. Just as you were about to pass the guy who you accidentally bumped into, grab you by your wrist and you looked at him with a surprise expression on your face

"Wha-" when you saw the face of the guy you froze

This guy is very handsome-

"Well aren't you a familiar fella?" He said as he examined your face "Have I.. seen you somewhere?" You gulped. People passing by were looking at you guys

"Ah sir uh c-can you let go?" You nervously asked. He tilted his head to the side and his face suddenly lit up

"Ah! I remember you're-" someone suddenly grabbed you by the hand making you stumble and got pulled by the person. You landed on a hard chest

"What the fuc-" you look up to see hyunjin "hyunjin?" He didn't look at you but only glared at the person you were talking to earlier

"Why are you here felix?" He asked in a chilling tone

"Woah woah woah since when did you get to own the mall?" He snorted

"I can buy this whole mall if I want to ban you from coming here" Your eyebrows furrowed at what he said. He's throwing money as if it's nothing

This dude-

"Chill hyunjin hyung. You really need to do something about your temper or girls won't stay with you for long" he said and glanced at me

"Get out of my sight" You can almost feel the tension in the air, it's like an alpha to an alpha and you're there, in between, trembling like a little bunny. The dood felix chuckled and turned his back on us as he walked away

Hyunjin let you go and put his hands in his pockets "This is why I told you, you need guards" you raised your eyebrows at him

"Was he a serial killer?" You sarcastically asked and rolled your eyes at the same time

Hyunjin laughed but suddenly his expression turned into a serious one

"He's one of my enemies. He might do the same thing to you like what Bang Chan did" he turned his back on me and walked away from me

Felix's Pov
Was that girl the mother of hyunjin's child? I tried to remember what happened that time, I was sure she's that girl. The one I met at the party

"Oi felix" my friend said as he snaked his hands around my neck "Want to have a one night stand?"

"Im straight" I glared at him and he burst out laughing

"Not me you idiot. I saw a very sexy girl with a fucking hot body- she's literally you're type." He said while waving his glass of beer in his hands "That girl over there" he pointed at a girl who was dancing in the center, she was pretty drunk if I were to say

I chuckled and stood up. My friend cheered on me as I made my way to the girl who was dancing like a psychopath on the dance floor

She suddenly stumbled and was about to fall face flat on her face but I caught her. She laughed as she gripped on my shoulder and chest

"Are you okay?" I asked and she smiled drunkenly at me. She squeezed my cheeks using her hands which had me taken aback

"You're face is so soft and fluffy- are you a chickky?"

A chickky?

I laughed at what she said "Ah I'm afraid I'm not" she then leaned in closer to me. I can feel her hot breath hitting my face, our faces were inches apart

"You should stay away from me" she drunkenly said. I tilted my head to the side and smirked at her

"Why would I?" I asked and she squinted her eyes to think

"They say I have this habit, when I'm drunk I kiss anyone in the opposite gender when I get too close to them" I laughed as I tucked her hair behind her ear

"Aren't you the one leaning in closer to me?" I replied and leaned in too. Our foreheads were now touching. She chuckled and scrunched her nose

"You're a naught boy I see" she said and suddenly kissed me

Something happened to us that night- a one night stand. Yep, I don't remember if we used any protection or not because I was also drunk at that time.

End of flashback

Im doubting that what hyunjin calls his son isn't actually his

But mine

LMFAOOOO I BET YOU'RE HELLA CONFUSED. Don't worry all of your confusion will be solved soon, but the main question is who is sam's real father? What is felix going to do now?

And also sorry for the long wait for this chapter, i was busy sorting things out with this story's plot and I did a lot of thinking and finished the plot! (Hopefully my brain doesn't change its shit and change the plot again making it more confusing) Thankyou for waiting, toodless!

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