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"Is there anything you want to report to me?" Hana asked her worker when she suddenly barged in her office

"Ma'am we found something very interesting. It turns out felix from the lee family is taking a dna test of hyunjin's son" She reported. Hana stopped what she was doing and looked up at her worker, she was interested in any topics that involves hyunjin

"Really? Why?" She asked

"Apparently Felix is doubting that hyunjin's son is his. Felix looks like he knew the girl or if something happened to them that caused him to doubt that her son isn't hyunjin but his. It is certainly hyunjin's child ma'am and that child looks like him" She said

Yes, that lowly kid is hyunjin's child. We did a dna test and it came out positive, if it came out negative I would've used it to get rid of that filthy woman but it was positive

A smirk crept up into Hana's face

"Things are going to get interesting"

Your Pov
Sam grabbed my hand while walking and he also grabbed hyunjin's hand. We were walking together with sam between us

He was giggling and laughing. He was very happy and that made you smile seeing him like that

It warms your heart

You glanced at hyunjin and he was staring at something. You raised your eyebrows and followed where he was looking

It was a stall of cotton candy. Sam immediately let go of our hands and ran to the cotton candy stall

"Sam! Be careful not to trip and fall!" You yelled as you ran up to catch onto him

"Mommy mommy! I want oneeee- no two! I mean three!" You laughed

"Baby your teeth will rot. You don't want that, right?" You crouched on his level and he pouted

"Let's buy the whole stall" You almost choke when he came to that conclusion. You glared at hyunjin who was behind you

He had his arms in his pockets and eyes on the cotton candies

Don't tell me..

"Two cotton candies please" You told the man who managed the stall. He handed you two cotton candies and you gave one to sam

He cheered happily. Hyunjin was about to walk but you made him stop by shoving the cotton candy infront of him

He looked at it with confusion and looked at you. You smiled at him

"Eat" You commanded

"Are you ordering me right now-" you cut him off by shoving a part of the cotton candy on his mouth

His eyes widened while his mouth was full of cotton candy

"I know you wanted one, you've never tasted cotton candy before huh?" You said and laughed

Hyunjin slowly gulped down the cotton candy to speak. He furrowed his eyebrows when confroting you

"My father never let me go outside until the age of 15 and when I was able to go outside someone would always follow me around to monitor what I eat so I couldn't eat street foods" He said and brought back his composed facial expression

"Well... now you can eat whatever you want! Why didn't you tried eating street foods when you finally broke free from your father?" You asked

"I didn't have time" he said

Sometimes you pity him, if he wasn't a son of a mafia family would his life be different? Would he be much happier than he is right now?

Not to mention he's an only child. I wonder how he cope up with his father's control over him for 15 years

"Stop staring" you immediately looked away and cleared your throat

A few hours passed and we finally got back home, it's funny how I started to call hyunjin's house home. Sam happily hopped of the limo

Your eyebrows furrowed and hyunjin stopped walking when he noticed the crowd infront of his mansion

What's going on?

One of the workers approached hyunjin and gave you an uncomfortable look

Why is he giving me that look?

"Young master... lee felix is here"

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