Delightful Stupor

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"That cowherd has apprehended approximately all the kingdoms in and around Mathura, and am telling you pitashree, he in no time will descend upon Vidarbha," Rukmi said as he deciphered the widespread political issues across Aryavrat.

"But, Jyeshth Aren't we under MagadhNaresh Jarasandh's conservancy, moreover we have Chedi's aid too," Rukmabahu told.

"And Bhratashree, we never possessed a malevolence with Dwarka and as much as I have attended I know that Dwarka doesn't wreck other kingdoms, that sena, umm what is it called, umm" Rukmanetra botched "Narayani sena" Rukmaratha amplified "yes there, that sena it's the sena that only defends, and his wholly against ambushing and quelling," Rukmanetra told "And Dwarka presently is the most abundant kingdom" Rukmaratha put in.

Rukmini stepped amid the symposium, dispensing Prashad to everyone as she commenced the Shiva Paade Pooja For almost a month now.

"I don't care, I suppose I'll have to take off for Magadh and talk with MagadhNaresh about all these anticipations," Rukmi told
"That cow herd needs to stop ill show him his way back to playing his flute" Rukmi jabbed the blueprints.

Rukmini walked out of the chamber, bewildered "What happened Vaidarbhi, is everything okay" Sunanda asked looking at a chaotic Rukmini.

"Sunanda, Jyeshtha is troubled, and you know why, " Rukmini said getting a nod from Sunanda  "he's anxious about a cowherd, I mean that's what I heard," Rukmini told as the ladies walked through the enormous palace of Vidarbha.

"Is it political?" Sunanda asked "Yes, clearly and cowherd sena, politics, I am unable to emanate any conclusion," Rukmini said.
"Anything else did he mention," Sunanda asked.

Rukmini distressed said "yeah, some flute-like thing" The jiffy these terms, circumvented Rukmini's ledges Sunanda flashed.
"Vaidarabhi, Vasudev Krishna" Every word Sunanda let out was a godsend for Rukmini, too extensive joy scurried through her she had this sentiment of belongingness. That emotion wasn't butterflies for her, it alleviated her, words would do injustice in the formulation it was only meant was her to perceive it.

Her delightful stupor broke "Rukmini, you have to go to Chedi" Rukmabahu told Rukmini who peeked at Sunanda with disturbance. "Chedi" She recounted in unrest.

"Yes, jyeshtha and you, jyeshtha said while driving to Magadh he'd stop at Chedi for few days, umm and he said he will take you this time" Rukmabahu elucidated the catastrophe to Rukmini.

She looked down as she reckoned "Vaidarbhi, Yuvraj...I mean what is going on" Sunanda asked "Exactly, what is going on Sunanda, Everything about this " Trip" is weird" Rukmini murmured and jogged "Vaidarbhi" Sunanda called out as her anklet jingled chiming through Sunanda's ears. "I'll get back to you just be organized with all the fragments of Krishna" Rukmini shrieked from
the other end, Sunanda giggled at the disappearing connotation.

"What absurdity, is it a hoax, you know what let's go will grind his head and swaddle everything up at once," A fuming dau said as he read the parchment that called for a truce treaty between Dwarka and Magadh.

"Calm dau, Relax Breath in breath out," Krishna confided as he confiscated the parchment and Re-read it "The Audacity, he tried ambushing Dwarka thrice In the last two months" Dau prowled.

"Bade Bhaiya, everything has a time and this time isn't for peace," Krishna told as he introspected ratifying glimpses of furrowed eyebrows by his elder brother. "Not harmony than combat, no Kanha I mean a battle with Magadh at this point is not favourable" Balram cautioned according to his enumerations.

"Oho, No dau, It's time for LOVE!" Krishna flickered "Honestly, Kanha am not even going to ask you about any of it you'll just plunge me with your quizzes so NO, am going just startup with all the preparations and we'll leave in a few days" Krishna chuckled at his brother's pedagogy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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