Chapter 1: Meeting Him

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Peters P.O.V.

I was taking the subway home from Midtown School of Science and Technology, which is a school for kids who are above average. The school day was pretty boring same as most days. Went to classes with Ned, who talked about the new Start Wars movie coming out, and MJ, who had her head in a book the whole time. Flash, or Eugen Thompson was thankfully out sick today so the torment was kept low. And I nailed my Algebra test.

I got off the train and started walking to my apartment with my headphones in. Then I saw it a perfectly good DVD player just laying there. I pick it up and plan to see if it works when it get home. If not Ill find a way to fix it. I walk into the aprtment complex, wave at the secretary then go up to my floor. I unlock the door and walk in.

"Hey May," I say as I walk in and set my bookbag down on the floor, pausing my music and setting the DVD player on the table.

"How was your day today?" She asks as I walk around the corner.

"I was okay," I say looking at her on the couch, "this crazy car parked outside."

And thats when I see his Tony FREAKING Stark. All I can do is stop and stare. He has been my hero since he saved me when I was a little kid. He of courese doesn't know it was me.

"Hello, Mr. Parker," he says and looks at me.

"Um..." I say trying to think of something to say so I don't sound stupid "wha-what are you doing."

I stop myself and cross my arms over my chest, "'m Peter." I stutter moving my arms again because I'm so nervous.

"Tony," he says

"Wha," I catch my breath, "what are you. what are you. what are you doing here?" I ask crossing my arms once more.

"It's about time we met," he says as May mouths to me but I can't really pay attention to her as mr. Stark says, "You've been getting my emails right," then winks with bothe eyes but not at the same time.

"Yea..." I say confused.


I look at may and say "yea" more confedently then, "regarding the.." I try and come up withs omething but may cuts me off. 

"You didn't tell me about the grant."

"About the grant," I say and look at Mr. Stark.

"The September foundation," he offers.

"Right," I say breathless.

"Yea, remember when you applied?" He asks.

"Yea," I say because I know I'm supposed to.

"I aproved" He says as Aunt May, makes a disbeliefed motion.

"So now we're in buisness," He stars at me strongly.

May snaps us out of it, "you didnt tell em anything, whats up with that. Keeping secrets from me now?"

I panick not wanted to get in trouble.

"Well I just. I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know...when.." I trail off not knowing where to go so I switch the subject, "anyway what did I apply for," I turn my focus back on Mr. Stark.

"Thats what Im here to hash out." 

"Ok. Hash. Hash out. Okay."

"Its so hard for me to believe shes someones aunt." And then I'm confused.

"Yeah well we come in all shapes and sizes you know," she laughs nervously.

"This date loaf is exceptional," I can tell Aunt Mays getting worried so I quickly jump in, "let me just stop you there."

"Yea," he says monotone.

"Does this grant got money involved or whatever? No?"


I get excited, "yea?"

"Its pretty well funded."

"Wow" I say in disbelief.

"Look who you're talking to," he jokes, "Can I have 5 minutes with him?"


"Um, lets go to my room Mr. Stark."



I'm sorry I know that was basicly right out of the movie I promise it will get better

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