Hello hello ok good it's working I'm Alberto Nelson I'm making this video for anyone who finds this because I might be dead tomorrow there has been a deadly outbreak of some sort of virus.Here's what happened I was at the mall with four of my best friends we lived in a small town called Vernville. But anyways as we were about to leave all of the mall doors were locked shut and there was no way out. Then all of the tv's turned on and the news channel's were on and they were saying that crazy people were going around biting people and they were becoming crazy too.So immediately my friends and I knew what it was a zombie outbreak so Toda,Kat,Nala,Izzy sal sal and I ran into the food court and locked ourselves into a Chinese restaurant called Chan Chang noodles. As we were in the restaurant a zombie was right next to Nala and she screamed but unfortunately the zombie bit her arm so I grabbed a pair of chop sticks and impaled it into the zombie's head. But Nala has already been bitten and in a few hours she would be one of those psyco freaks biting people so we decided to knock her out and throw her out of the restaurant because we couldn't kill her. After we threw her out we all looked at each other and said we can't stay here because soon the mall would get over run by zombies.So we opened the door and we were about to go out when their were all these zombies everywhere so Toda,Kat,Izzy sal sal and I went back in the restaurant and were thinking how to get out. After thinking for about ten minutes we all looked up at the air vent and that's where we are going to get out. Kat said "I'm going to go look in the supply closet for a ladder" and as she got it a note book fell out on to the floor so she showed us the notebook and it belonged to a scientist named Henry bobet it said something about how he was trying to make this new vaccine but something went wrong with the vaccine and infected people in the hospital. We all looked at each other and wondered how this notebook got in the Chinese restaurant and we all laughed for some reason. But before we went in the air vent we all parked up the useful thing we would need like water,toilet paper,noodles,fortune cookies,we also all got chopsticks just incase and we got things like that. Then Toda got the ladder and we had Kat and izzy sal sal go in first the we went up in their but it was a tight squeeze for all of us. We all had to figure out where it was we needed to go to get out of the mall so as we were crawling in the air vent we passes Bath and Body Works,Shoe City,Build a Bear Workshop which Toda wanted to get a bear and while we were crawling Toda said I'm claustrophobic and he threw up all over himself haha. As we were almost out of the mall we heard this rumble sound coming from the end of air vent an as we paused for a minute and that's when we heard the moaning sounds and they got closer and closer to us Toda was in the very back and one ugly looking zombie was biting Toda's shoes so he got those chopsticks a they went right threw the zombie's head. But their were more zombie's coming because Toda left the Chinese restaurant door unlocked and left the ladder right were the air vent is and we were crawling like crazy to hurry and get out luckily the mall was only one story tall Kat,Izzy sal sal,and I jumped out but Toda's shoe got caught on something and a zombie was ripping apart his arm then he fell and we got him even though he was bitten. As we were in the parking lot we found this mysterious white van and we broke the window and got in but of course their weren't any keys so we had to hot wire the car and a horde of man eating zombie's we coming but luckily we started the car and were able to get away.