As we were in the white van Toda was having a seizure and the he passed out because of the zombie bites. So Kat, izzy sal sal, Toda and I were going to a science center in Oregon. We were going there to try to find an antidote for Toda. But then in the back seat I saw Toda and izzy sal sal making out and Kat was steaming mad cuz Toda and Kat were dating. (NOTE TO READERS THESE CHARACTERS ARE MADE UP) I got distracted because I was laughing at all of them haha that I took my eyes off of the rode and we crashed in a telephone pole inside of Disneyland . Kat and I were the only ones conscious and since Kat was still mad she got in the back seat and started slapping Izzy sal sal and I was just laughing but then I noticed that a bunch of little kids started coming toward us but they werent just kids they were zombie kids ahhhhhh. So I told Kat to stop and told her about the zombies we have to try to get Izzy sal sal and Toda out of the car so we punched them in the face and remember Toda was still bitten by zombies and he probably only has like 1day left but we managed to wake them up. And so we went on this ride called THE TOWER OF TERROR and we all sat down on it cuz the ride goes up and down but it's inside so as we all sat down we buckled up and the ride went up. But then we heard screaming because Izzy sal sal wasn't buckled and so when the ride went up she went up but the ride went down she slammed really hard against the seats and her head was bleeding plus she wasn't moving. When the ride ended we hurried and got off and exited the ride but their was zombies everywhere and we were trapped so all of us were thinking of a way out and then we all looked at Toda so Kat and I threw him in to the zombies to use him as a distraction . So Kat and I left him and then all of a sudden Izzy sal sal came to and saw coda getting eaten by the zombies so she ran to help him but that wasn't a good idea because coda turned into a zombie and bit her and all the other zombies were biting her to. But Kat and I couldn't worry about her now so we left them because we smart enough to leave so we were headed for the Disneyland parking lot to find a car and of course we killed a few zombies on the way.