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"Hendery~"-"what's up babes"-"did jaehyun tell you?"-"about later tonight? he did sounds like fun"-"it does! also I need to leave right now but I'll see you later okay?"-"okay but I'll go pick you up be safe"-"I will" ten walked downstairs getting his sweater waving at him from the stair case leaving the house. 

Ten walked down the nice morning streets, his hands were turning pink of how cold it was so he tucked them in his hoodie continuing his walk. He kept walking till the road he took walking was closed "ugh how annoying" he turned around and took a different street.

"Hey you there come here" the poor boy was frightened to death, he's had many encounters like this before people would punch him or just make him feel bad about himself, but it was different this time "come here pretty boy" a group of three guys were right behind him so he tried crossing the street to get rid of them. It was no use "leave me alone!" he yelled at them 

"oh such a pretty voice too" ten looked around making a run for it to a tree where more people where but there was no sign of anyone he looked back and they were caching up again, he was frightened to death tears started forming he trembled trying to call someone but he could not see properly "fuc*"

His eyes glistened in hope when he saw someone at the next street shrining to them he desperately tapped on them "Please help me"-"ten?" he looked up at a the tall man who was       "j-johnny!"-"Hey buddy that's our boy" the tallest one said, Johnny looked at them weird raising his eyebrow at them sipping his hot coffee.

"actually he's with me"-"stop trying to help him we will give you however much you want for him"-"anything?"-"anything" the guy looked at him like he would kill Johnny at any second yet Johnny remained calm "then can you leave him the fuc* alone?"-"I didnt want to go this far"

he went down whispering to ten who nodded Johnny did the first move which was pouring his coffee on the guy who yelled in pain "sorry" Johnny threw him a powerful punch the other two tried joining but they were so skinny they could barely throw a punch, Johnny laughed at them 

"get the pretty boy while I take care of hi-" another punch sent him down to the floor making his nose bleed and leg sprain as he yelled in pain not long the police came in running "Hands in the air down move!" the three stayed on the floor not moving, he put the handcuffs on them taking them away, not leaving after asking the short boy questions and taking the three away.

Ten was shaking in fear crying, the best thing Johnny could do would is to comfort him so he did, he went closer to ten and hugged him tightly. "thank you Johnny, I was so scared" he choked on his tears that wouldn't stop falling. 

"I'm only glad you are safe and I was bale to help" he gave him a warm smile. "you should carry pepper spray with you"-"I think I will"-"also why were you walking this way? there's not much around here"-"I had just left hendery's house and then I came walking but thats were they started following me so I was trying to get away from them" 

just hearing Hendery from ten made a lump in his throat and serious again "that as*hole didn't take you home?"-"hey! don't call him that he's my bo-"-"boyfriend yeah yeah I know I know but a very ignorant boyfriend who doesn't take you home who does that?"-"he had things to do plus he takes me home whenever he can if not I take the bus back it's kinda far"

"no thats just being a terrible person who cant take twenty minutes or more to take someone home and its freezing"-"come on I'll take you home" Johnny said without an expression walking to his car and ten following behind 

"you dont miss your coffee?"-"it was worth it" he said looking at the road ahead while ten looked away hiding his pink tinted cheeks. "And what's that important thing he had to do?"-"he didn't tell me"-"that's so dumb"-"yah you've been insulting him this whole time you are acting like my boyfriend now, you keep making a conversation with me and get angry when I mention him why ?!"-"WELL THATS BECUSE I WAS ALWAYS IN LOVE WITH YOU" Johnny yelled back at him 

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