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"Morning tae!" seulgi walked up to him at the school entrance "good morning seugli" she linked arms with him as they walked in school, it was normal for them since they liked to stick close by. "So we're going after school today?" he asked opening his locker shoving his books inside.

"yup! we can go have ramen!"-"woa heck yeah that sounds cool"-"oh hey, jaehyun good morning!" she waved and smiled at the tall boy behind taeyong "hey seulgi how are you"-"im good thank you, well I'll see you in a bit tae" he waved as she went off with her friends.

taeyong waved bye, jaehyun brought him closer bu the waist pulling him closer and kissing him, the shorter kissed back quickly and pulling away "what?"-"we're in school"-"so?"-"people invade privacy too much and you need to be careful too if that girl sees you she will probably tell your aunt" jaehyun couldn't argue he had a point, but it was really annoying that they couldn't be like a normal couple in love.

"jaehyun~ you didn't wait for me this morning" a familiar annoyingly pouty voice came from behind "you took forever I wasn't going to wait another hour"-"hmp" she crossed her arms and looked over to the boy teller than her too, it almost took her breath away she didnt know what to feel... jealousy that a boy could be ever so pretty and stunning or her heart beating and her eyes glistening looking at him.

'not this crap again' jaehyun thought as he saw rose looking at taeyong awe struck "shoo now, go to class" he shooed  her "hi I'm rose! and I'm new here nice to meet you"-"hello im lee taeyong nice to meet you too"-"are you jaehyunie's friend?"

he stayed silent for a second both of them looking at each other eyes wide open telepathically communicating "y-yeah I am"-"me too! I hope we can be friends too"-"uh I-" - "tae class is about to start lets go!" seulgi came running down the hall pulling him away "oh hey rose! morning!" she waved pulling her friend away "omg seulgi you're an angel thank you you saved me"-"I got you" she winked cutely as they both took their seats in class. there was still ten minutes before class started so both were looking through google foods looking at places to go after school.

"oooh that looks good" taeyong pointed but before seulgi could respond to her choice of food "hey seulgi"-"oh Irene hello" they did talk with eachothe but not as much "um I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere after school or something"-"ooh um I'd love to but um me and taeyong had plans- but we can go tomorrow if thats okay I wouldn't mind!"

"yeah sure don't worry we can do tomorrow, see you in 6th!" Irene smiled running out the class "why did she look so nervous?" taeyong asked seulgi "I have no idea, we hang out sometimes but usually thats with our group of friends"-"maybe she wants to be your friend" the other suggested the thought "yeah maybe she's really nice and funny so tomorrow should be fun"

After school


"Okay good practice go rest and do your homework kids" their coach yelled "thank you!" they all cheered and walked to the locker rooms.

"I have so much homework" Taeil whined as the three walked by the field "same"


"Passing drill 30 repeats" Jaehyun said to the team they all got in pairs and began the drills, Jaehyun paired up with Lucas "so how was it yesterday" he said throwing the ball to Jaehyun

"Super boring I forgot what it was like shopping with a bratty girl" he rolled his eyes "it must be I remember my jungwoo was just different compared to all people I ever met all girls and some guys I'd ask out would immediately say yes to me without even knowing me and I just did it as a joke but when I did it to Jungwoo he slapped me and would even ignore my calls he was cold at first but then I got to know him better ah the softest cute guy I ever met"

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