// part one: brand new world //

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A loud explosion rung out throughout the large city, buildings falling as smoke rose into the blue sky. Screams were heard from the surrounding mobians as they tried to evacuate the area, the fires spreading towards the exits as the fight raged on.

The bright yellow fox swooped in every chance he got in the chaos to save the mobians, flying them away with all his strength using his tails. His echidna friend followed along below on the ground, carrying people along.

The team were working together trying to save the citizens from the raging chaos of Sonic and Shadow's fight against Sonic's robot copy. Metal Sonic challenged the two hedgehogs for their chaos emeralds, forcing the two rivals to work together to stop the enemy.

Metal Sonic was sent flying into a skyscraper, the glass letting out a deafening shatter as he skidded through the building floor, breaking through the other side. Shadow teleported into the air, throwing a chaos spear towards Metal to catch him mid air.

Metal used his boost to push him out of the way, sending him flying into the air. He landed on top of the destroyed building, looking for a way around. He heard the glass shattering under him as Sonic ran at full speed up the tall building.

The blue blur shot into the air, diving for the robot. Shadow appeared next to him, the two raising their fists as they fell towards him. Metal pulled back his fist, preparing for impact. The two crashed into him, the explosion sending dust everywhere. Out of the dust shot Metal, flying into the air.

The two hedgehogs used chaos control to warp into the air, continuing this process to keep up with him. Once reaching the clouds above, Metal turned to them, the three now falling back to Earth. Metal powered up, preparing for a finishing blast. Yellow light and electric surrounded him as he pointed his body towards them, readying himself.

The two pulled their chaos emeralds out, pointing them upwards to protect themselves. The three got closer to each other, and right as Metal did his finishing move, Sonic and Shadow used chaos control to teleport him away. Although, they hadn't planned on where they were sending him.

The bright white light blinded Metal, and he felt the air around him change as the light surrounded him. After a few seconds, Metal found himself falling to the ground, green woods below him now. He stared at the ground, unsure what to think of what happened.

As the ground got closer and closer, he realized they must've used chaos control to send him away. But to where? This place, this world around him, looked so different from home. He had no idea where he was.

He let himself crash into the ground, hitting trees and limbs as he collided with the trees and dirt. Even the dirt here felt different. The grass looked so strange, and the leaves above looked like something out of this world.

As he stared up at the sky, his visor glitching every so often from damage, he heard a twig nearby snap. He turned his head, suddenly noticing the dent in it as he moved. As he turned, his eyes were met by a pair of e/c eyes, their h/c hair falling gracefully around their eyes and framing their head perfectly.

This person, however, was very different from the mobians Metal was used to. She, possibly he, did not have any fur, only the hair on their head. Her eyes were small, and her nose looked different from the muzzles he saw at home. She had much more plump lips than the ones he saw before.

Her body was built differently as well, and she looked far different than any animal Metal had ever seen. He sat up, still staring at the strange alien. They stepped forward, making Metal scoot away more. He had no idea what this being was capable of, and did not want to start another fight. Especially not with how damaged he was.

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