Chapter 5

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The door clicked open. Draco's mother walked in. His body relaxed, and his heart rate slowed. Hermione, on the other hand, did the exact opposite. Narcissa ignored Hermione and began to talk to Draco.

"Draco, our Lord has returned. He says we are to keep the mudblood here until the Order is finished. Bella says he has asked you to be in charge of her. He believes you deserve another chance," Narcissa stated. "Take this seriously Draco. If anything happens to the girl under your control, or if she is to escape, the Lord will enforce severe consequences."

All three of the people in the room knew exactly what those severe consequences would be. Draco became frightened at the possibility of his death.

"But, Mum, what am I supposed to do with her?" he asked, pointing a shaky finger in Hermione's direction. "Where are we going to keep her?"

"The Lord said for you to take yourself and her to a secure location, or locations, in order to keep her properly hidden. She is our Lord's best way to Harry Potter," she answered, keeping her voice casual, but her face exposed her feelings of worry.

"This is ridiculous," Draco snapped. "Why can't someone else take care of the mudblood?"

"Draco, you are proving yourself of worthy use to the Dark Lord. He's giving you a second chance. Don't take this rare opportunity for granted, my son," she warned.

Narcissa turned to Hermione. Her voice was cold, but her face gave the idea that she felt true concern for the witch in front of her.

"As for you, you heard what my Draco has to do. You are not to be the reason my son is murdered," Narcissa told Hermione.

Though Hermione Granger despised Draco Malfoy, the idea of being the reason for his, or anyone else's death for that matter, made her flinch. Narcissa remained formal as she addressed the young pair.

"Stay here until I return. The Dark Lord will send someone to retrieve you both shortly. He will explain further instructions to you personally. Draco-," she sighed, and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I strongly suggest you keep Ms. Granger under control. I expect you to come home to your father and I without being a name on the Lord's hit list."

Draco looked into his mother's eyes, silently promising his safe return to her. She half-heartedly smiled. It quickly faded when she remembered she had more information.

"The boys, Potter and Weasley, have escaped. As well as the rest of those who were being held in the cellar. I don't believe they will be returning any time soon for you." She directed her final sentence at Hermione.

Hermione's heart sank, though she knew the boys did the right thing. They had horcruxes to find and destroy. She could handle Malfoy.

Draco was not surprised at Weasley and Potter's actions. He searched for a reaction on Hermione's face but she kept her expression occupied with anger about her new kidnapping situation, which he understood. If he had become a hostage of the Order he most definitely wouldn't be pleased, but he believed he would be much more vocal, or violent, on the matter.

"That's all," Narcissa stated. "Our lord will be ready for you soon. Lock the door behind me when I leave."

She exited the room and without turning his head, Draco sent a locking charm at the door. Hermione began to tug at the ropes around her limbs.

"Untie me. It's not like I can go anywhere, or use my wand," she commanded.

He dismissed her. The snatchers had taken Hermione's wand when she was captured, though she thought that by now it was in the hands of a Death Eater, but hopefully, Harry or Ron had stolen back their wands, including hers, when they escaped.

Draco ignored Hermione as she struggled with the ropes. He was occupied imagining what Voldemort would do to him if he failed his new assignment. Hermione noticed the fear in the Malfoy boy's eyes and the shudders that were sent through his body. She didn't feel bad for him, but she didn't particularly enjoy seeing someone so afraid. She thought he may have begun to cry if she hadn't been present. A knock at the door behind them made both of the library's occupants jump. Draco braced himself for his conversation with the Dark Lord.

A/N: The chapters will get longer I promise!

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