Chapter 12

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"You know you love it," He whispered.

Without another look, Draco grabbed his bag and walked to the living room. Hermione stood in the same place, in shock. Her imagination had already run wild enough for today because of her moment of weakness before leaving their last location, and now this? The possibility that she may have been hit with another one of the Cruciatus Curse and had now officially lost her mind seemed more logical than for what just happened to have actually happened. Hermione had to regain her composure after being caught completely off guard. Had he known all the things she was thinking when they were hiding from Death Eaters? Did he possibly have similar thoughts? Hermione shook her head. She was sure she was just exhausted and overthinking. She knew Draco and this is exactly how he would've wanted her to react; to be totally flustered like some silly school girl. Hermione almost laughed at her memories of Pansy Parkinson's obsession with Draco. She shook her head and remembered her priorities, and anxiously waiting for another moment with Draco was not one of them.

Draco sat on the couch and watched Hermione remain frozen in place after his whisper. He chuckled and she turned around. He had his feet up on a coffee table and was slouched in one of the leather chairs. His hands were folded casually across his chest. Hermione glared at him. He sent her a fake confused look, pretending to not know why she was upset. He tilted his head to the side and pouted.

"Ugh," She said, then grabbed her bag and headed for the staircase in the back corner of the room.

Draco laughed and jumped up from his comfortable seat. He followed her. "Ya know, Granger, you don't get to choose your bedroom. I do," He teased.

"Oh shut up, I can sleep where I want," She retorted.

Hermione continued walking, reaching the top of the stairs and looking into each of the many rooms in the long hallway. She found one she thought was nice and walked in. It had pale grey walls, a queen size bed with black sheets in the room's center, and a window above the bed. Next to it, on either side, were two brown nightstands and a lamp with a silver shade sat on top of the left one. A brown dresser, matching the nightstands, was against the left wall. The room was simple and empty except for the furniture. Hermione found this one better than the others, which had patterned wallpaper and were much too large for just her.

"Hate to break it to you, but this one's mine. Pick another one, Gryffindork. Unless you wanna share?" Draco teased and raised his eyebrows. This was the bedroom Draco stayed in during his past visits to the house.

Hermione tensed. She blushed but hid it well. She pushed past Draco, who had been leaning against the door frame. Draco chuckled loudly.

"Ah, you should see your face! Too good!" He laughed.

Hermione ignored him and picked another room. Draco sped up and managed to slip inside before her. This room had white walls but was set up exactly the same as Draco's. It had the two nightstands, one window, a dresser, and a bathroom. Hermione noticed the differences between the two rooms. This one had a lamp with a cream-colored shade and the bed had violet sheets. Hermione was comforted at the sight of her favorite color and decided this was the room she would be staying in.

Draco plopped down onto the bed gracefully and rolled onto his side, smirking.

"You don't bother me, Draco," Hermione said flatly.

"Hm, your face says otherwise. It's alright though, blushing looks good on you."

Hermione scoffed again. She walked around the bed so that Draco wasn't facing her anymore, and set her bag on a dresser. She started going through her things. Draco leaned over, now facing Hermione again. She continued to ignore him. She opened a door to the bathroom and looked around. It had white porcelain features and a small bathtub with a shower attachment. A large circular mirror with a gold frame hung above the sink. Mint green towels sat on the countertop. Hermione grabbed her few toiletries and placed things around the bathroom. She walked out and Draco was no longer on the bed. He was leaning against the wall next to the bathroom doorway.

"Would you please leave? I would like to shower," Hermione said.

"Oh really?" Draco joked. "Well if you insist-" Draco began to take off his coat.

"Ew seriously, Malfoy? What is with you? Shut up and get out," Hermione said.

"Mhm, and I don't bother you, right?" Draco stopped leaning against the wall and turned his
body towards Hermione's.

"Would you just let me shower?" Hermione said, sounding irritated.

"So this," Draco took three steps towards Hermione. "This doesn't bother you?"

Hermione backed up, bumping into the wall. Draco took more steps. Hermione looked awkwardly around the room, avoiding his eyes at all costs. Suddenly, the sound of Draco's hands hitting the wall made her place her vision directly at him. He had put his hands on the wall, on either side of her head. He was leaning down towards her. Hermione's mind flashed back to grabbing his jumper and pulling them close together in their last location. Her self restraint had been tested enough today.

"Get away from me," Hermione said. "You're not funny."

"That didn't answer my question."

"Fine! Yes, it does bother me... because I want to shower!"

"You were so close. What a shame you can't admit it to yourself."

"Get. Out," Hermione said harshly.

"As you wish," Draco removed his hands from the wall. "Enjoy your shower. Don't think about me too much. "

With a final smirk and a nod, Draco exited the room. Hermione waited until she heard his footsteps fade down the stairs to move away from the wall. She closed her bedroom door, which unfortunately did not have a lock, but luckily her bathroom door did. She bolted the lock, took a deep breath, and turned on the shower water.

Draco walked downstairs after leaving Hermione's new room. He didn't know why he had messed with her. It hadn't been any different than their times at Hogwarts but it didn't feel the same. After spending so much time together, specifically alone together, the teasing had become seemingly flirtatious. He had just wanted to see her reaction since their moment before apparating here had left his brain in a confused state. He couldn't figure out the way he was feeling. He was having fun making Hermione blush and teasing her like back at Hogwarts, but whenever he wasn't coming up with a witty comeback, his thoughts were lost in the visions of her face less than an inch from his. He replayed the few, short minutes they had spent alone in that room together in his head, searching for a reason to stop thinking about being that close to her. He remembered the other times when the space in between their bodies had been minimal. When they had been arguing in the Bristol house. When, for the first time in days, they finally spoke and he walked out of the bathroom, almost right into her. When they apparated from the Bristol house. His eyes fell to his hand, the one that had held hers for what had felt like much longer than it actually had been. He used his other hand and brushed his fingers along the skin of the hand she had held. He didn't, and would never, understand what was happening. His thoughts were untamed and it scared him. He didn't want to feel this way. The longing for her warmth on his cold skin made his stomach twist with disgust at himself, though also lust. He would have never felt this way if it hadn't been for the situation they were in. He cursed himself for even thinking there was a "feeling" at all. He excused his actions and thoughts, telling himself it was purely his loneliness, and ran his hands through his white-blonde hair. He walked over and sat on the couch. He let himself relax and sink into the cushions. He leaned his head back and rested it on the back of the couch, then finally closed his heavy eyes.

A/N: Don't forget to vote on your favorite chapters! Thought it was time to spice to some stuff up a bit hah ;) Hope you're enjoying the story! Thanks for reading <3

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