Chapter 24

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TW: Mentions of Self-Harm

Last night had not been like the others. Maybe Draco's words were true; today would be different.

After Draco kissed Hermione in her doorway, they stayed up a little while longer, just sitting on Hermione's bed. Hermione couldn't seem to relieve her anxiety, no matter how peaceful it was to be in Draco's arms. She knew she was tired, exhausted really, but she couldn't let her eyes close. Hermione wanted to sleep and she was content with being nestled against Draco's body but her room felt wrong. She felt out of place. Hermione knew she'd get over it by tomorrow but since she had felt so sad in this room earlier, she didn't want to continue being in it.

After countless attempts at falling asleep, Hermione lifted her head off Draco's shoulder where it had been resting and she took his hand in hers. She guided them out of the room, down the hallway and stairs, and into the living room. Her original idea had been to go into Draco's room, but she felt more like falling asleep to the sound of a crackling fire than silence. Draco followed her without question and wrapped his arms back around Hermione when they sat on the sofa. Draco put Hermione's legs over his and she laid her head back on his shoulder. Hermione nodded to the fireplace. Draco found his wand on the coffee table and with a gentle flick he created a small, dim fire. He put his wand back down and pulled Hermione close. Hermione felt at ease in their new location. They both relaxed and they fell asleep in each others' embrace effortlessly.

That morning, Hermione awoke on the couch, alone. It was late in the afternoon, almost four o'clock. She surveyed the room for Draco, but he was nowhere in sight. After a long search throughout the large lake house, Hermione finally found Draco. He was in his grandfather's study, sitting against the wall, asleep. She wasn't sure when he'd slipped away and how she didn't notice but her mind grew distracted with the boy in front of her. His forehead dripped sweat and his hands were clenched in tight fists around his clothes. It was clear to Hermione that Draco was in the midst of a nightmare, but he looked to be in agonizing pain. She hurried to his side and wrapped her arms around him.

"Draco, wake up!" she whispered. Hermione harshly shook his body. "Wake up!"

Draco jolted awake, tears falling from his eyes and his hands reflexively clinging to Hermione.

"Shh, you're alright now. It was just a dream. You're alright, I promise," Hermione murmured. She rocked him back and forth and hummed a calming melody. Draco shut his eyes and clutched Hermione tightly, trying hard to stop his constant shudders and tears.

He let her hold him and sing to him. He let her dissolve the horrid visions of his dream with her gentle singing. Though it took him almost ten minutes, Draco opened his eyes again and twisted out of Hermione's grasp. He was breathing hard and quick, on the verge of hyperventilating. He turned himself around to face the brown eyed witch. Hermione's face was full of concern and she reached back out for Draco, who was still unsettled from his nightmare. Draco was shaking and he could feel his heart pounding and his blood pumping. His hands ached and stung from how tightly he had clenched them in fists. He had nail indents in his palms. He could hear every noise, see every particle of dust float in the air, feel the window behind him drown his back in sunlight. It overwhelmed him and made his lungs feel tight. His eyes darted across the room, until eventually they met hers. Without a single second of hesitation, Draco bashed his lips into Hermione's.

He kissed her urgently, as if his survival depended upon it. Draco wasn't fully awake until he felt her mouth on his. He hadn't realized it, but until now he had thought he was still dreaming. Now, fully aware he wasn't asleep and the things happening were real, Draco ripped his mouth away from Hermione's and threw himself as far from her as possible. His dream made him want to be miles away from her.

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