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(I do NOT own the song. I changed some lyrics up a bit, and cut it short. Hope you enjoy)

Cassandra was in her room trying to sleep, but couldn't. She couldn't stop thinking about the prince .

His sparkling blue eyes.
Beautiful laugh.
Sparking smile.
Childish personality.

Cass sighed in defeat getting out of bed . She walked over to her mirror looking at her reflection. The Cassandium caught her eyes attention .

Cassandra smiled at the element in her hand . Next thing cass new she was singing.

" I call you up (Rapunzel) when I know he's at home, I jump out of my skin when he picks up the phone.
Why can't I tell if he's looking at me? Should I give him a smile? Should I git up and leave?
I know it's strange, I don't know what I'm thinking. But is it wrong if I see him this weekend.
I really hope I can git him alone.
I just don't, don't want her to know .
Yeeeaaah!!!!!! My best friends brother is the one for me !!!! Yeeeaaah!!!!!
A clumsy , dorky alchemist, and he's 6 foot 3 .
I don't want to, but I want to , cause I just can't get you out of my mind!
Yeeeaah , My best friends brother is the one for me . BFB, BFB. My best friends brother, my best friends brother"

Cassandra stoped looking back at the necklace smiling putting around her neck before she continued.

" I kinda think that I might be his type, Because when Rap's isn't around, he's not acting to shy."
Cass paused again thinking back to earlier " Sometimes I feel like he might make a move . Is this all my head ? I don't know what to do .
I know it's strange, I don't know what he's thinking, but is it wrong if I see him this weekend" she sung leaving her house .

" I really hope I can git him alone . I just don't, don't want her to know" Cassandra sang in fear looking at the castle .

" Yeeaaah!! My best friends brother is the one for me . Yeeeaah !!!! " she continued changing her tone of voice to joy . " A cute, smart, alchemist and he's 6 foot 3.
I don't want to , but I want to . cause I just can't git him out of my head .
My best friends brother is the one for me. BFB, BFB. My best friends brother, my best friends brother, BFB, BFB . My best friends brother, my best friends brother "

Cassandra stoped to think , but soon continued

"Cause he's such a dream
And I know what I mean .
If y'all weren't RELATED !!!
My best friends brother is the one for me.
A dorky. Smart alchemist and he's 6 foot 3 . I don't want to , but I want to .
Cause I just can't get him out of my mind
I know what's at risk " cass finished

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